Outdoor Outdoor Back Patio Organic Grow

Aug 28, 2017
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Here are my photoperiod plants for the year, two Maui Waui from Nirvana Seeds that were started in late April, one was topped the other was left all natural. One Rosetta Stone XX from Brothers Grimm, and one Dark Ghost Train from Rare Dankness that were started in late June. The two Maui Waui are in 25 gallon Smart Pots and the Rosetta Stone XX and Dark Ghost Train are in 15 gallon GeoPots. The two small ones got a late start cause I was due to vacation in September and didn't want the house sitter to worry about dealing with more than two big girls but the vacation got cancelled so I had an excuse to give these two a go and not have to wait until next year.

I grow in recycled organic living soil which is thriving with red wriggler worms that is going on two years old. I usually water three times a week, once a week the plants get a tea of alfalfa/kelp (pre flower) or neem/kelp (through flower), another of the watering is usually just aloe and silica with a top dress of malted barley and or malted corn (for the enzymes), and the third water is usually just plain water. However, I am not too particular and the schedule changes depending on time and what I feel like doing. Sometimes I just top dress a little alfalfa meal, kelp meal or neem meal, other times I use water only, other times I don't add any malted barley or corn at all. Just keep the soil moist and the worms take care of the rest. The plants are also mulched with barley straw, yarrow flower, dandelion, borage and comfrey from my yard, all being dynamic accumulators. They help keep the soil moist and offer a good food source for the worms to chew on and break down with time.

I live on the Central Coast of California zone 9b/10a so I have pretty nice and mild weather year round. I have two rain catchment systems set up on our property one water storage tank holds 530 gallons and the small one holds 140 gallons, the cannabis is only watered with rain water which I feel very good about because California is a very dry state during the summer and I would feel bad about using even more municipal water than we already do and rain water is better anyway. This is my second season of growing since I didn't start until it became legal. Now in hindsight I should have gotten my medical card a couple years ago and already been doing this since I find it to be a very enjoyable hobby.

Now for the pictures...
Maui Waui all natural

Maui Waui topped

Rosetta Stone XX

Dark Ghost Train

Full patio shots

Thanks for looking and happy growing!
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Hey Chief, good to see another organic grower having such beautys on his terrace! Nice strains and good soil mix, love it!
Thanks everyone! Things are just moving right along, the Maui Waui are just starting to flower and last I checked they were just over 7 feet from the soil line so the fun should start very soon. I'm also really excited to see how the Rosetta Stone XX and Dark Ghost Train turn out since I have yet to see much info/grows about either one. It will be interesting to see how big they can get before they start to flower with the late start and all.
Good looking plants dig seeing another organic grower .Welcome to afn the site rocks an we have several accomplished organic growers blasting off using natural power .Nice strains an good luck on the grow friend .
How late did you harvest last year up there?
Last year I started the photos in early March and they were finished in mid September about. The plants were also on a part of the patio that gets shaded by 6 pm or so, so I think that also helped throw them into flower sooner. I definitely saw pistils probably a good 3-4 weeks earlier than this year. October is really nice here and I wouldn't be too worried about having plants out into November if it came to it.
Two week update, both Maui Waui are a couple weeks into flower and moving along. The late start Rosetta Stone XX is just over 3 ft. tall and the Dark Ghost Train is about 2.5 ft. tall. Still hoping they start to flower within the next couple of weeks but we shall see, they showed their sex within the last few weeks.
Maui Waui


Rosetta Stone XX

Dark Ghost Train

Few extra random shots

Back yard garden and year old kale trees

Buena Mulata Chilis