New Grower OS Purple Haze & BCN CriticalXXL COB LED Organic Grow

Day 25 (yesterday)

Making some mistakes now unfortunately, but learning as I go!
I’m away today and tomorrow and as my pots felt pretty light and they looked ready for a feed I did so. Upped the feed a bit from last time 1/3 strength. This time just under 1/2 strength. Two mistakes here, firstly they weren’t quite ready for a feed, secondly it was too strong (I think).
4 litres (2 litres each)
3.5ml canna Vega
2ml cal mag
And some Castile.
No run off from pots and heavy again.
I also did a tiny amount of defoliation, removing larger fan leaves that were down on the soil.









Triple leaf sets on the haze


So, this morning before I left had a quick check on them and refilled the humidifier and they were not looking happy! BCN looking very droopy and haze showing signs of too much fert (clawing leaves).
Not only that, over night one of the main branches snapped!! Have no idea how this happened as when I left them last night LST seemed fine.

This is the haze this morning


Could of taken some better photos but was in a mad dash. Hopefully upon my return tomorrow night they’ll be a bit perkier.
Day 29

4 days since feed and they’re into pre flower.
Light pots and looking a bit droopy so gave them a drink. Plain filtered watered, bubbled and phd to 6.4.
2 litres with 6 drops Castile, shared between both plants. Continuing LST.
I have noticed soil level drop quite considerably. Packed it pretty light so will probably add a bit more in.

BCN critical

No more signs of any sacks so hoping she stays to the path. She’s a bit short and getting quite bushy which makes watering a challenge with the lst wire, but getting it done. Maybe a bit of defoliation soon could help get some more light down low. A bit of yellowing on lower fan leaf tips though, and some purple stem action going on.







Haze chugging along, stems getting thicker and she’s spreading out. Starting to notice little purple flowers in her new buds :)
Stems are real purple and follows down into the leaf along the veins, hope it’s supposed to be like that being a purple haze. Main concern is a few clawing leaves. Only about 4 or 5 so it’s real minimal.






Thanks guys!
Looking good Lorenz but as Mongol said definitely looking over fed. Liking your LST technique, I bend the stem when I do it so looking forward to seeing the results when splaying the leaves as you have. I would pm a guy on here called macky, hes really helpful and I know he's growing organic like you. Definitely worth a shot

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Red stems could be signs of mag. def and they're looking overfeeded, they show also light stressed, what's the current light distance? Me short in time today, will catch up tomorrow, cu

Current light distance is 75cm. Been watching for curling leaf edges, the BCN did have some curl going on a week or two ago but that seems to of been remedied whatever the issue was there.
Im guessing the over feeding could be due to the cal mag I add having added N. They were fed 1/2 strength nutes on monday which just may of been too much.
Thought they might perk up a bit over night as they got a plain watering, but still very droopy this morning.
Thanks man
Looking good Lorenz but as Mongol said definitely looking over fed. Liking your LST technique, I bend the stem when I do it so looking forward to seeing the results when splaying the leaves as you have. I would pm a guy on here called macky, hes really helpful and I know he's growing organic like you. Definitely worth a shot

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6003 using Tapatalk

Hey bud, yeah, from what I have seen online it could be N toxicity with regards to the clawing anyway. Just so damn droopy! Fed them plain last night which I thought may pick them up a bit, but still droopy as.
Hopefully the lst works out well. Did it too tight on one of the main branches of the haze and it broke overnight (a while back), so to use the space it left behind have pulled over the two top branches in the same direction. They seem a little slow on growth at the moment, I would expect more but dont really have a clue! Don't think Im going to need to worry too much about height, but will continue the lst, kinda fun!
I'll hit Macky up, cheers bro