New Grower OS Purple Haze & BCN CriticalXXL COB LED Organic Grow

Day 34

Been a bit of a roller coaster this one! Keeping everything crossed that there’s another ascent and no more sudden plunges!!

Have given them a 5 day break. From what I can gather from you fellow growers is that I had been over watering, and got a little exuberant with the feeding strengths. Let them dry right out, leaves started picking up again but then some serious yellow was showing it’s smug face!

There’s been action on the flower front but all growth has been next to nothing past week or so. I’ve also noticed the dramatic drop in soil level. I must not of packed it in enough, have had to fold over the lip twice to allow adequate air flow below.

Going to get into the habit of weighing my plants while I’m still getting to grips with judging water needs. Think it’s a worthwhile endeavour[emoji4]
Both plants weighing in the same at 4.3kg dry, after feeding they were 6.7kg but that included the drip tray (will weigh the tray later on for tare).

Climate stable, have installed an inkbird thermo controller, thing is amazing for the price. Humidity control is another story. Humidifier has built in hygrometer but isn’t very well placed, sadly I can’t hook it up to a secondary controller as when it’s turned off you have to manually turn it back on again, doh. Highs of 70% lows 45%.

Lights are around 70-80cm high.

Gave them a 1/3 strength feed. 4 litres split between the both of them. 2.64ml biocanna Vega, 1.32ml cal mag and 12 drops Castile. Had a bit of a revelation, I’ve been ph’ing my water to 6.4 before mixing my nutes! Not sure how big a deal this is, but did it the other way around tonight and the addition of the nutes took my water from 7.9 to 7. Took it down further to 6.4 once everything was in.

BCN critical

Plant is 22cm high. Putting out buds, virtually no vertical growth but a bit of secondary growth. Some big fan leaves going real yellow. Removed a couple of yellow leaves that were right down the bottom. No more signs of ballsacks I must add [emoji4]



Purple haze

Plant is 31cm high. Working on bud production and like the bcn, pretty much no vertical growth. Secondary growth on the haze is very very slow too, almost non existent. Yellowing of leaves, not quite as bad as the bcn though.




Group shot!


Really hope they haven’t stopped growing for good, feel like they had a lot more in them. Still lots of time so hopefully I can get the rest right.

Thanks for all the help from you guys

Oops, just to add, have left the humidifier off for the time being to see how the levels are after feeding. Ambient humidity seems to be around 30%.

Photos taken straight after feed*
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Hey Tina! Thanks. Been having some troubles though :( practically no vertical growth in a week! Learning everyday and keeping everything noted down, hopefully next run they’ll be even healthier :D
Thanks for stopping by
everything will be well. Looking forward to your harvest
Well done for getting the inkbird controller, helped me out massively. You need to make sure they're getting a good wet and dry cycle so the roots can get air. Have you changed their feed to the flowering one yet? The yellowing could be a deficiency as once they change from veg to bloom they start needing different things. They look a bit light, you should up the fees. They look like they're stretching a bit and looking a bit small so the lights may not be strong enough of close enough. It's usually the main reason for smaller plants. Make sure you've got lots of red spectrum fir the flowering phase and always measure pH after all nutes have been mixed. Have you measure your runoff at all?

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6003 using Tapatalk
Well done for getting the inkbird controller, helped me out massively. You need to make sure they're getting a good wet and dry cycle so the roots can get air. Have you changed their feed to the flowering one yet? The yellowing could be a deficiency as once they change from veg to bloom they start needing different things. They look a bit light, you should up the fees. They look like they're stretching a bit and looking a bit small so the lights may not be strong enough of close enough. It's usually the main reason for smaller plants. Make sure you've got lots of red spectrum fir the flowering phase and always measure pH after all nutes have been mixed. Have you measure your runoff at all?

Hey bro.
I was definitely feeding/watering too often. Last feed was too strong as well. Gave them 5 days after a plain water to recover, and fed them veg nutes last night. I’m under the impression you should only start flower nutes once all vertical growth has stopped, hopefulllu mine have a bit more in them as they’re very short. Will keep a close eye on them and if no more growth I’ll put them on the flower next time around. I’ve been told that they could be light stressed, tiny little bit of leaf edges curling (taco) on the bcn. So don’t think it’s the lights, definitely have enough anyway. I will play with heights and see how they react. Got spectrum covered
No run off testing. I water really slowly so I don’t actually get any run off!
Hey bro.
I was definitely feeding/watering too often. Last feed was too strong as well. Gave them 5 days after a plain water to recover, and fed them veg nutes last night. I’m under the impression you should only start flower nutes once all vertical growth has stopped, hopefulllu mine have a bit more in them as they’re very short. Will keep a close eye on them and if no more growth I’ll put them on the flower next time around. I’ve been told that they could be light stressed, tiny little bit of leaf edges curling (taco) on the bcn. So don’t think it’s the lights, definitely have enough anyway. I will play with heights and see how they react. Got spectrum covered
No run off testing. I water really slowly so I don’t actually get any run off!
You should always get runoff mate, you need to aim for about 10% of what you give it. It's good you know you're feeding it enough as it grows

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6003 using Tapatalk
You should always get runoff mate, you need to aim for about 10% of what you give it. It's good you know you're feeding it enough as it grows

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6003 using Tapatalk
Feel a bit stuck though, I’m giving them 2 litres with feed which seems like a good amount for a 5gal pot from what I’ve read in other journals, plus I’ve actually been over watering and over feeding. Erring on the side of caution now :S
I use Castile which helps with the water absorption of the soil. Surely it’s better to know that 2 litres is going in and being held rather than 2 litres in a slightly hydrophobic soil where water runs out because of dry pockets?
Sorry to question you man, just been getting all sorts of advice in different threads and things are starting to contradict one another. Feeling a bit frazzled!
Ok Wombat, only can give u advice if they were my plants;

1. put the humidifier out off the tent, you want to get the plants to transpire, with 70% rh they cannot breath....
2. yes, there are signs of light stress, though try to go down to 65 cm and see how they react, they are now in a phase of light hunger...
3. water to at least 10-20% runoff and meassure ec/ppm here in thread, because they still look overfeed and also show signs off mag and N def....
4. give em a max aerotation/wind and make em vounce in the tent...
5. do the browbags stand on cold ground?
Ok Wombat, only can give u advice if they were my plants;

1. put the humidifier out off the tent, you want to get the plants to transpire, with 70% rh they cannot breath....
2. yes, there are signs of light stress, though try to go down to 65 cm and see how they react, they are now in a phase of light hunger...
3. water to at least 10-20% runoff and meassure ec/ppm here in thread, because they still look overfeed and also show signs off mag and N def....
4. give em a max aerotation/wind and make em vounce in the tent...
5. do the browbags stand on cold ground?

Hey mongol, sounds like the best kind of advice [emoji6] cheers.

1. Have left humidifier off since feeding. RH sitting at an average of 35% now.
2. I’ll have a play around with the lights. I’m away today till Monday evening, so have moved them down to 75cm for now. When I’m back I’ll bring them lower.
3. I’ll have to purchase an ec/ppm pen, will get one ordered online today.
4. Two clip fans on max, all leaves dancing.
5. I have a piece of 12mm ply under the tent. Plus I put 1cm tall rubber feet on the bottom of the drip trays to keep them off the tent floor.

The plants as of this morning. Definitely perked up a bit and starting to grow a little again.


Thanks mate