New Grower OS Purple Haze & BCN CriticalXXL COB LED Organic Grow

sorry things didn't turn out quite as you'd hoped dude. you've got some smoke to keep you going for now, and what you've got looks good to me! :thumbsup:

good to see you have identified some mistakes, makes for an easy fix on the next run.

tag me once you're up and running on the next girls - is it soon?


Live and learn bro :)
they smell oh so good, which brought all those happy feelings straight back!

Gonna run two Dutch passion auto cbd compassion limes. Sticking with the same strain to keep things simpler! Seeds getting dunked tonight :)
So here’s some bud pics!
Dry weight came in real measly but thank god I got some smoke, was almost looking like it was a total failure. These girls had a lot more left in them, but due to getting pollinated had to make the call to chop em early. Reckon they would of fattened up if left for another two weeks.
BCN Critical came in at 22.5gms
Purple haze 26gm
Even with a small yield, I’m super stoked!! The smells are incredible and the taste is unlike anything I’ve had before, organic homegrown forever!
They’ve been in cure for nearly a week now, after drying for 7 days. Rh was around 40-50% and temps hanging between 17-20c during the dry. Burping them twice a day for 5 minutes but not really watching humidity/temps. Seems to be going very well.
have vaped quite a bit over the last week and very impressed so far. Just been using the lower wispy popcorn buds but still got a real nice high. Purple haze is definitely the chatty uplifting choice, while the bcn is reserved for that last Netflix episode in bed :)

Here’s some pics
BCN critical


Purple haze



In their jars :)

Thanks again to everyone who helped out, hugely appreciated!

So I guess that’s the end of this journal, already got a second journal on the go now at day 9 and lookin good :)
far from a fail,you did a cracking job :thumbsup: learnt a shed load and the experience going into grow two will make a big difference,even without realizing it :eyebrows:you got to the end of first grow with buds :smoking: if 48.5g can last the 70 odd days till harvest two :woohoo1:it will take a while to dial things in summer/winter.low ph probably hurt the most.but with so much stuff needed for the grow its easy to leave some things off the list.
a great first grow :nicethread:
far from a fail,you did a cracking job :thumbsup: learnt a shed load and the experience going into grow two will make a big difference,even without realizing it :eyebrows:you got to the end of first grow with buds :smoking: if 48.5g can last the 70 odd days till harvest two :woohoo1:it will take a while to dial things in summer/winter.low ph probably hurt the most.but with so much stuff needed for the grow its easy to leave some things off the list.
a great first grow :nicethread:

Thanks bro :)
It was far from a fail, and all the mistakes I made have prepared me for the next round. Rather make the big mistakes on the get go as now I know what to look for. Bought myself a vaporiser, amazing how far the weed goes with that thing, so hopefully it will last, as long as my mates and family don’t poach it off me first!! Steady climate now, somewhat given up on rh but doesn’t seem to be a huge contributor, and the ec pen should keep me in safe ranges :)
Thanks for the look in bud and for tagging along. Appreciate it!