New Grower OS Purple Haze & BCN CriticalXXL COB LED Organic Grow

I was getting rh of 99% when my extractor fan wasnt working properly so could be something do so with your fan speed controller setting the fan too low

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Hey man.

Could possibly be. Have it set to 3/6 at the moment constantly. Don’t think it’s dropping out on me though
Day 22

Looks like they’ve taken pretty well to the topping, can’t say it’s really slowed anything down. Side branching is powering on and have done some leaf tucking.

Lows 19c & 45%rh
Highs 27c & 70%rh

Lights at 80cm

Standing 18cm tall, has actually overtaken the critical. Her trunk is fattening up too, quite a bit thicker than the critical.
Her leaves are so large!! Has given some lopsided growth I think. One of the branches is very underdeveloped compared to its counterpart on the other side. The counterpart branch is actually shooting out leaf sets of 3. Not sure if this is problem, but possibly taking more energy hence why the other side is much smaller..?
Her top two branches at the cut haven’t really developed at all strangely. They look really dense. Not sure if there’s an issue there.





BCN Critical
Standing 17cm. Branching out nicely and getting bushier. Some tips of some leaves have yellowed but a tiny amount. Little bit of edge curl but think she’s just about handling the lights.




Group shot



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fantastic looking set up and awesome looking plants so far bro, gonna tag along if you don't mind.


Thanks man! Been getting advice left right and centre, very happy to be putting it into action and seeing results :D
Love to have you come along for the ride ;) the more eyes the better I reckon!

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Thanks man! Been getting advice left right and centre, very happy to be putting it into action and seeing results :D
Love to have you come along for the ride ;) the more eyes the better I reckon!

getting some great advice from the looks of things; those stems dude :bow:
Day 23 (yesterday)

Unfortunately it looks like I have a Hermie on my hands. The bcn has slipped to the dark side! I found 5 sack sites and all but one were absolutely minuscule. Managed to remove them all cleanly. Lucky I have good eyes as they’d be easily missed. Will have to be super diligent if I’m to keep her going. I’ve posted up a thread in the infirmary with more photos if you care to check.
A real shame as growth is going really well :(

Fed them both aerated ph’d 6.3 filtered water, a litre each.
I’ve also started some LST.



Any and all thoughts welcome,
Thanks guys!

link to the hermie thread