New Grower OS Purple Haze & BCN CriticalXXL COB LED Organic Grow

Have a Google on how to top. It's important to get it in the right spot. If you go to my diary and go to post 121 I've got some photos and description up. Give me a shout if you need done more help

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Cool man, I’ll have a gander. Thanks

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you have a nice bright light :thumbsup: so some pics could be showing the plant to be a bit lighter than what it actually is.or is it a true reflection of the plants colour ?
if so it could use a lil the shittest at the defs/toxs game,im gonna guess at some mag.but it comes in a bottle with cal,so give it some of that aswell.
i am an eejit get a 4th opinion.
good luck n keep er lit.

Hey Archie.
Most of the photos were actually taken in natural light. The new growth on the haze is definitely funky. It’s actually a third leaf on a set, so some strange stuff going on there and it’s real yellow.
Generally the leaves are a little light and blotchy, nothing extreme, but looks to me like they could be better. Leafs are still curling on the bcn even after raising lights, but not getting worse. Haze looked a little picked up today, not quite as droopy.

It’s been 5 days since I fed them, no watering since. I want to make sure they’re nicely dry before giving them anything else. I thought I’d probably have to water 2 days ago! But they’re taking their time to drink.
I’m considering just giving them another straight up feed and increasing from 1/4 strength to 1/3. I fed them cal mag before at half dose, it’s got some N in it too.

Thanks for lookin in ;)

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is it 1//0/0 if so some smart cookie went into detail it turns out the amount of N in cal/mag is about it looks worse than it is on the plain tap water has 160ppm a strong feed maybe 800ish.not that tds/ppm mater much in soil its just some numbers.
thinks shes big enough to handle 1/3 without complaint
is it 1//0/0 if so some smart cookie went into detail it turns out the amount of N in cal/mag is about it looks worse than it is on the plain tap water has 160ppm a strong feed maybe 800ish.not that tds/ppm mater much in soil its just some numbers.
thinks shes big enough to handle 1/3 without complaint

Great. Gonna top her when lights come back on. Will have to check soil to see if she’s ready for a feed.

Question on my mind is whether it’s ok to feed again without them getting a plain water in between feeds. I guess if they’re still looking hungry then it’s probably fine. All organic feed so no nasty salt build ups to be worried about

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have heard of the feed water feed,and the water,feed,water.i feed everytime saves me remembering,and if i was to go heavy and get a lil burn then they get a drink of water.
Wombat, you want to get this humidifier out of the tent, 99% is too much, plants can't transpire, therefore no watering, because they can not " sweat " temps light on ok, but light off to low, on the pics i see a starting calmag def, you may need to fix it and you can go down with cobs...
Wombat, you want to get this humidifier out of the tent, 99% is too much, plants can't transpire, therefore no watering, because they can not " sweat " temps light on ok, but light off to low, on the pics i see a starting calmag def, you may need to fix it and you can go down with cobs...

Hey bro.

I was getting 99% when I had it on 3/3 (max) and set to 70%. Now have it set to 1/3 (min) and at 55%. Highest RH now is 60% on my thermo/hygro.

BCN still has some curly leaf action going on, still lower cobs? Maybe wait till they recover (I literally just topped)..
Just been fed with some added cal mag.

I’ve actually been quite busy this arvo. Have an update I’ll post up now.

Thanks for checking in bud

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Hey bro.

I was getting 99% when I had it on 3/3 (max) and set to 70%. Now have it set to 1/3 (min) and at 55%. Highest RH now is 60% on my thermo/hygro.

BCN still has some curly leaf action going on, still lower cobs? Maybe wait till they recover (I literally just topped)..
Just been fed with some added cal mag.

I’ve actually been quite busy this arvo. Have an update I’ll post up now.

Thanks for checking in bud

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I was getting rh of 99% when my extractor fan wasnt working properly so could be something do so with your fan speed controller setting the fan too low

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Day 20.

Girls looking perkier today, haze lifted up a bit and growth on both soldiering on.

Fed them 5 days ago but felt to me like I didn’t need to water them till today. Pots are nice and light today, but under soil surface still a little dark and damp. Plants did look a bit pale so thought another feeding was appropriate. This time I upped it a little to 1/3 strength Vega , cal mag, 14 drops Castile, 1/2 tsp BSM and 3gm of myco’s in 4litres. Water aerated and Phd 6.3. They got two litres each with no run off.

I set up a ceramic convection heater inside the tent to sort out these lights off temps. Unit is hooked up to a thermostat set at 22c. Heat bar is now out, so lights on temps hovering at 26c. Both clip fans pointing so as to get the air circulating in tent. Had to reorganise the set up to fit it in so it’s not blowing straight onto the fabric pots/plants.

Tent pic




Under growth not getting much light in there, she’s tight and has pretty broad leafs.







Just want to say thanks for all the help! Getting lots of advice from loads of people here, it’s truly appreciated!

Happy growing :D

*both showing sex. Got myself some ladies in the tent :eyebrows:

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