Indoor Organic perpetual monthly harvest

Good Morning AFN. The girls are happy this morning.
Day 60 for GWK
Day 50 for 24K
Day 20 for Fastberry
Temps: 73-74
RH: 61-63
Well the main cola is coming off of GWK today or tomorrow. She is about 75% milky with 10-20% amber. Very few clear trichs left. The rest of will go for a little while longer.
24K is still a little bit away but coming along nicely.
I tried the GWK yesterday from the test nug. Very strong cerebral initially that moves into a sense of calm and relaxation. The taste was really Grape....surprising actually. I enjoyed it and cant wait to try it after a good cure.
Looking great, thanks for sharing.
Too Early Harvest
Good morning AFN
Day 61 for GWK
Day 51 for 24K
Day 21 for Fastberry
Temp: 75-77 F
RH 62
GWK had the top of the cola removed this morning. It was perfect for my taste....80%+ milky and the rest mostly gold/amber. The rest of the plant was left for a few more days I think although it is moving along pretty well also.
24K is just getting fatter and fatter.
Fastberry is starting preflower it looks like at day 21.

Good morning AFN
GWK got the chop this morning.
Day 52 for 24K.
Day 22 for Fastberry.
Will update in a few days about weight from GWK.. She was about 75/25 milky with some gold and amber thrown in which is where I like it.
24K just keeps on adding weight
Fastberry(s) are starting to flower and I will be watching for the stretch.

Good morning AFN.
Day 53 for 24K
Day 23 for Fastberry
Temp: 74-75 F
RH 57-61
GWK is in the drybox.
24K is headed towards the finish. 50-60% cloudy from a very quick look this morning.
Fastberry girls are growing up fast. Both are about 8-9" as they approach the time for stretch.
@AutoMagicallyDelicious great looking grow brother! GREAT THREAD! I'm subscribed! I will be going to a WATER only type grow for my 2nd grow. Awesome to see your outcome! Plants looked amazing the whole way through! I am so tired of spending hours after working all day to mix nutes, check PH, check PPM's, Slurry test the soil, flush the soil, blah blah blah. I am getting some excellent results with Nectar for the Gods, but looks like I can do the same without working a 2nd job basically with a setup like yours! I'm going to mix Roots Original, Fox farm Ocean forest with Natures Living Soil autoflower amendment and Wicked Pissah autoflower Cover Crop for my soil and use Cultured Biologix EZ tea's, EM-1, & some PHOTO-P like once a week hopefully :smoking:
@AutoMagicallyDelicious great looking grow brother! GREAT THREAD! I'm subscribed! I will be going to a WATER only type grow for my 2nd grow. Awesome to see your outcome! Plants looked amazing the whole way through! I am so tired of spending hours after working all day to mix nutes, check PH, check PPM's, Slurry test the soil, flush the soil, blah blah blah. I am getting some excellent results with Nectar for the Gods, but looks like I can do the same without working a 2nd job basically with a setup like yours! I'm going to mix Roots Original, Fox farm Ocean forest with Natures Living Soil autoflower amendment and Wicked Pissah autoflower Cover Crop for my soil and use Cultured Biologix EZ tea's, EM-1, & some PHOTO-P like once a week hopefully :smoking:

Thanks mate and welcome on board. I am just learning my way around with this. I just wanna have a repeatable method that is simple and has good smoke. Right now I just chopped my 3rd plant and will whack number 4 sometime in the next few days with 2 more to follow in about 30 more days. The yields are not great by any means but the quality is there and at this stage I will take 20-40 grams per plant with one 55w autocob for sure. We can all learn how to max them out together. AMD
Good morning AFN.
Day 54 for 24K
Day 24 for Fastberry
Temp: 73-74 F
RH 61
Everybody is looking very healthy today.
24K is getting very close....70-75% cloudy and getting kinda "white" looking from the frost.
Fastberry girls are rocking right along preparing for the stretch
Going to need to drop another seed in the next couple of days.