Mephisto Genetics Orange Crack (freebie)

I put the seeds inside these plugs and into a bowl with tap water, the chlorine (I was told and thought it made sense) helps with any bacteria that might be around the dry seed so it doesn't proliferate.


Place it in a warmer place, it helps with germination. Not hot, warm. [emoji106] [emoji2]

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Chinese food delivery containers are great because you can use the lid as a humidity dome, too!

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thanks for the help, i appreciate it!
I have my final OC doing a 12 hour soak like was suggested.
I have 10 tyrone special so im germinating one in a papertowel
I'm also germinating a toof decay and menage a tyrone which was a freebie.
I figure if i get them germinating now, they should be ready for me to plant them when the stuff arrives and i am all set up :)
My daughter grew 2 of the menace a tyron her 1 st grow she only got a oz but she said it was awesome.
I think a oz each is good for first grow and she about killed it more then once from over watering to much nutes but it came out.
I have 5 seeds of them put up can't wait to see yours
What's up. Ms.U.? Sorry to hear about the latest OC tragedy. Not sure about posting pics in your thread, so if you have time, stop by my thread. Lots of new pics, and I show how I start my babies. I would suggest the paper towel method to you. People can say what they want, but I have been using this for 5 years now, with more than a 90% success rate with coco and domes. Good luck to you. :greenthumb:
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Hey MissUniverse, almost certain environment is too moist for the OC. I know the new seed is already on the go, but for future reference, try wetting medium, planting seed, that is, after tap root is showing from paper towel method suggested by WF. Dome it up, and don't water again for at least 72 hours. Then, just a shot glass full once or twice a day for the first week. I usually have roots shooting out of the grodan cube or pete disc after 5-7 days. Hope this helps. :vibes:
Ok, as a Mars Planetarium owner, here are my two cents...

1) definitely the most price-friendly led's that will do the job;

2) they're very hot, make sure you have plenty of ventilation and cool air around;

3) they're very strong and will bleach your plants if not done right!


- use the same lights throughout the grow, mine tend to be unhappy when I switch lights on them, although adding side lights as they bloom seems ok;

- start at about 2 feet away and work your way down, always looking for signs after 12 hours;

- once you've found your veg sweet spot, leave them there and wait for the youngsters to grow into the lights, at which point you do a combination of bending branches (very carefully) away from the lights and moving the lights up.

Good luck! [emoji2] [emoji106]

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thanks for the info! i'm going to have to work on those skills :)

Chinese food delivery containers are great because you can use the lid as a humidity dome, too!

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that's a good idea, i use a spring water bottle for my humidity domes
My daughter grew 2 of the menace a tyron her 1 st grow she only got a oz but she said it was awesome.
I think a oz each is good for first grow and she about killed it more then once from over watering to much nutes but it came out.
I have 5 seeds of them put up can't wait to see yours
I'm hoping an ounce off each plant i grow. if i score more then all the better, i know i can get 40 grams from a toof decay in a small space, so hopefully now that i have a larger space and more light i can get more. the menage a tyrone just sounds tasty to me :)
What's up. Ms.U.? Sorry to hear about the latest OC tragedy. Not sure about posting pics in your thread, so if you have time, stop by my thread. Lots of new pics, and I show how I start my babies. I would suggest the paper towel method to you. People can say what they want, but I have been using this for 5 years now, with more than a 90% success rate with coco and domes. Good luck to you. :greenthumb:
I'll check out your threads once i catch up on everything here. thanks for all the info!
Hey MissUniverse, almost certain environment is too moist for the OC. I know the new seed is already on the go, but for future reference, try wetting medium, planting seed, that is, after tap root is showing from paper towel method suggested by WF. Dome it up, and don't water again for at least 72 hours. Then, just a shot glass full once or twice a day for the first week. I usually have roots shooting out of the grodan cube or pete disc after 5-7 days. Hope this helps. :vibes:
my thought was either too moist or too dry, it's one of the two :p I always used the paper towel method so far and have had germination rates at 100% it's just after germination that things go a bit south :\

Thanks to everyone for the posts, if you posted more than one post i only replied to one because im kinda tired and have a lot to catch up on. I'll try to get some photos later one this evening. I'm probably going to be planting them around 1 am because i know falling asleep now i'll be up in a few hours and might as well get it done while im able to.
Good luck in your new tent! :vibe: Those Menage a Tyrones are top grade flower producing plants. I've grown a couple that reached 90-100cm in 5 gallon airpots, 3 zips dry a piece. After a couple week cure this stuff reeks to high heaven!
I have a few OC's to try myself, Hoping your third OC turns into a monster for ya. :greenthumb:
Sweet dreams, MsU. Sometimes all we need is a good regroup.
sleep was ok today, tossed and turned but i missed the alarm clock to get them out so two of them had their first set of leaves begin in the towel, im going to just not worry about it and planted them i think they will be fine because the seed came off when i was planting them.
Good luck in your new tent! :vibe: Those Menage a Tyrones are top grade flower producing plants. I've grown a couple that reached 90-100cm in 5 gallon airpots, 3 zips dry a piece. After a couple week cure this stuff reeks to high heaven!
I have a few OC's to try myself, Hoping your third OC turns into a monster for ya. :greenthumb:
im hopeful the menage a tyrone (MaT) does well, i have 3 gallon airpots but i should hopefully get a zip each plant :)