Mephisto Genetics Orange Crack (freebie)

sad to see the orange crack not working out too good for you.i fear you may be overwatering its so easy to,i do it all the time.
new grow space sweet.could start a new seed every 2 weeks or so.keep the harvests regular if not spectacular.or a lil drying tent.
resisting the urge to grow something with walter or white in the il stick an orange crack in my germination station tomorrow and it should pop up monday.
good luck
The part that is weird is that the first seed died with a taproot of just a cm or so while it was in a paper towel.
I'm not going to give up on it, i still have one seed and i'll somehow get it to germinate even if i have to try new things.
I'm glad i'll have the new space, i was thinking of growing out a single photo I have and letting it veg in the new space just for the sake of having one.
Yes a new seed every 2 weeks is why im doing it, allowing for more&bigger harvests would be great. If i can get a good SOG set up going, or I tune in my feeding schedules more (along with the additional height), or SCROG it or whatever, it will definitely make it so I can have an actual stash and not just a few days to a weeks worth, I can have constant supply that way :).
More space means more plants which means more nutes though, so im going to have to start reusing my soil and testing it since its promix with jobes ferts i would like to try to just plant another seed in the soil that comes off of another grow to see how it works nute wise, i would assume i need to test the values (NPK etci) but it'd be nice to reuse soil versus buying new promix every few months.
Soak the seed and skip the paper towel. Its dark and moist in the soil too so plant in the final pot. Pour 2 oz water over the spot and wait. They only need a little as sprouts.

Congrats on the tent and lights! Luv my mars tent
sorry for the silly question,but how do you know it was dead in the paper towel ?
dont be so eager to give up on a seed.even if a tail hasnt popped out after 2 days in a glass of water and 4 days in a paper towel,whack it in some soil and give it another 4-5 days.
could give the soil a real good flush out and thin down 50/50 with new soil.eyes on fire may have some tips on reusing soil.
The part that is weird is that the first seed died with a taproot of just a cm or so while it was in a paper towel.
I'm not going to give up on it, i still have one seed and i'll somehow get it to germinate even if i have to try new things.
I'm glad i'll have the new space, i was thinking of growing out a single photo I have and letting it veg in the new space just for the sake of having one.
Yes a new seed every 2 weeks is why im doing it, allowing for more&bigger harvests would be great. If i can get a good SOG set up going, or I tune in my feeding schedules more (along with the additional height), or SCROG it or whatever, it will definitely make it so I can have an actual stash and not just a few days to a weeks worth, I can have constant supply that way :).
More space means more plants which means more nutes though, so im going to have to start reusing my soil and testing it since its promix with jobes ferts i would like to try to just plant another seed in the soil that comes off of another grow to see how it works nute wise, i would assume i need to test the values (NPK etci) but it'd be nice to reuse soil versus buying new promix every few months.
Im going to reuse my ffof i have everything to recharge it I'm going to let each run cook a couple months before reusing i hope this works well I've reused soil in outside garden think reusing it once won't hurt.
I've got 2 Cinderella99 photos waiting on other 2 to come up I'm going to vegg these girls till my autos are done then flower them.
I'm in process of putting up second tent so I can run autos and photos.
There's a lot of photo strains I want to try I'm glad I won't be alone we could help and compare each other's plants.
Hello, MsUniverse. Congrats on the new setup. Sounds like your going to be a happy camper:woohoo1: Also, archie may be onto something with the over watering theory. I"ve found that when I had a very temperamental strain, I just moisten the medium enough to call it moist. Then, dome it, and let it dry out almost completely.(36-48 hours in 80*F) Repeat. After a week to 10 days, the "problem child(ren) are usually bigger than their surrounding sisters. When I wanted to maximize plant height, I did this until flower stage. Hope this helps
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Soak the seed and skip the paper towel. Its dark and moist in the soil too so plant in the final pot. Pour 2 oz water over the spot and wait. They only need a little as sprouts.

Congrats on the tent and lights! Luv my mars tent
i may hve to try that method

sorry for the silly question,but how do you know it was dead in the paper towel ?
dont be so eager to give up on a seed.even if a tail hasnt popped out after 2 days in a glass of water and 4 days in a paper towel,whack it in some soil and give it another 4-5 days.
could give the soil a real good flush out and thin down 50/50 with new soil.eyes on fire may have some tips on reusing soil.
the taproot (tail) had popped, but 2 days after the taproot popped it turned from white to brown and shrunken just like a dead root. This one im still watching in hopes its just my own interpritation but im thinking the strain is not one for my style of growing.
Right now its promix with nnothing in it, but i guess i could always water it down adn add more but not sure what that would do?
Im going to reuse my ffof i have everything to recharge it I'm going to let each run cook a couple months before reusing i hope this works well I've reused soil in outside garden think reusing it once won't hurt.
I've got 2 Cinderella99 photos waiting on other 2 to come up I'm going to vegg these girls till my autos are done then flower them.
I'm in process of putting up second tent so I can run autos and photos.
There's a lot of photo strains I want to try I'm glad I won't be alone we could help and compare each other's plants.
awesome news to hear, i might have to put away my small tent and put both lights in the big one to give it more light, but we will see what happens as time goes on. C99 is a nice strain to smoke :).
Hello, MsUniverse. Congrats on the new setup. Sounds like your going to be a happy camper:woohoo1: Also, archie may be onto something with the over watering theory. I"ve found that when I had a very temperamental strain, I just moisten the medium enough to call it moist. Then, dome it, and let it dry out almost completely.(36-48 hours in 80*F) Repeat. After a week to 10 days, the "problem child(ren) are usually bigger than their surrounding sisters. When I wanted to maximize plant height, I did this until flower stage. Hope this helps
thanks for the suggestions, it seems like soaking (or wetting the medium) is the method people use on tempermental seeds.

i just hope its something im doing, because im about to just pop 2 seeds and put a different seed in that medium to see if it grows, and if it does just hold off on the OC for a week till the new set up is completed, i guess we will see what i end up doing.
i may hve to try that method

the taproot (tail) had popped, but 2 days after the taproot popped it turned from white to brown and shrunken just like a dead root. This one im still watching in hopes its just my own interpritation but im thinking the strain is not one for my style of growing.
Right now its promix with nnothing in it, but i guess i could always water it down adn add more but not sure what that would do?

awesome news to hear, i might have to put away my small tent and put both lights in the big one to give it more light, but we will see what happens as time goes on. C99 is a nice strain to smoke :).

thanks for the suggestions, it seems like soaking (or wetting the medium) is the method people use on tempermental seeds.

i just hope its something im doing, because im about to just pop 2 seeds and put a different seed in that medium to see if it grows, and if it does just hold off on the OC for a week till the new set up is completed, i guess we will see what i end up doing.

Be patient and you will be fine. You have plenty of help here!
well, the seed is definitely dead, im going to try my third OC and im also going to start a grape crinkle while im at it since my new tent&light arrives tomorrow.
Can anyone give me suggestions on how i should be doing the lighting? I plan on using both the mars hydro 600 and the 300 in the tent but want to know should i be using one at a lower height for the new plant and keep the 600 high for the double grape I have going?