Mephisto Genetics Orange Crack (freebie)

I think I'm going to have to try a solo cup on a plant sometime soon. Maybe even start it tonight. How do you do the drainage holes?

Thanks you too

The seed has yet to break the soil but I can see the beginning of the shell coming through the soil so it should be a good grow! As long as I don't mess it up that is :)
I just used a drill to put a few holes in the bottom but if you check out the solo cup contest thread you can get some really good ideas from people with a lot of experience at it.

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I just used a drill to put a few holes in the bottom but if you check out the solo cup contest thread you can get some really good ideas from people with a lot of experience at it.

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thanks for the info, ill check it out.

As far as the seed goes, im getting a bit uncertian if it is going to make it. i have everything dialed in right, but not sure if the orange crack seeds are just not hardy enough for my set up. is it possible the strain is just a weak strain? I made the mistake of digging around a bit, i see some green but the taproot looks like its brown and not going, i guess ill pop my final orange crack seed just in case and let it grow a longer taproot and then if both grow, do the one in a solo cup.
this is my orange crack at 2 days above soil. At what point did yours go bad?

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I've had a few problems myself this run which is very strange not one problem on the 18 I did crack.
My white cracks popping 30-40 hours using their method well I've did them all that way except a few I dropped straight in soil they were up in 48-60 hours just dropping them in.
I'm going to start a journal in a week or so I don't think many want to really see vegg time so I figured I'd wait till they were bigger.
Your not over watering that solo cup are you?
I know it don't take much to drown them if they been pre soaked.
I use one of those baby medicine needles goes to 10 ml it sure helps to not over water.
I'm just going to sit over here and watch awhile
I'll keep you posted on how mine does.

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Thank you very much
I've had a few problems myself this run which is very strange not one problem on the 18 I did crack.
My white cracks popping 30-40 hours using their method well I've did them all that way except a few I dropped straight in soil they were up in 48-60 hours just dropping them in.
I'm going to start a journal in a week or so I don't think many want to really see vegg time so I figured I'd wait till they were bigger.
Your not over watering that solo cup are you?
I know it don't take much to drown them if they been pre soaked.
I use one of those baby medicine needles goes to 10 ml it sure helps to not over water.
I'm just going to sit over here and watch awhile
I'm using a spray bottle and spraying just enough to get the surface wet and the first inch damp, i have had success with all other lineages of mephisto's thus far. even if it is a slow start or I messed up, but i really don't think i did this time.
Whats your soil mix missU?
I'm using promix, its just plain promix right now im going to top dress with jobes fertilizers once it gets a bit established, this seed did the same thing the other did and the other was in the paper towel longer than this one. it just grows a small taproot then dies. I'm kinda thinking maybe im just planting too early, but why would both seeds do the same thing.
oh I broke down ordered an apollo horticulture 48"x 24"x 60" tent and a mars hydro 600. that was all of my christmas money and every sent I have. I want this to work out so badly plus I want to do more than 2 plants, I'll find room for it somewhere
sad to see the orange crack not working out too good for you.i fear you may be overwatering its so easy to,i do it all the time.
new grow space sweet.could start a new seed every 2 weeks or so.keep the harvests regular if not spectacular.or a lil drying tent.
resisting the urge to grow something with walter or white in the il stick an orange crack in my germination station tomorrow and it should pop up monday.
good luck