Mephisto Genetics Orange Crack (freebie)

right about a month, they are already flowering so im probably only going to get a gram out of each one at most. rather annoyed and feel like i wasted time.
if i cant make something happen with the dwc im hanging it up

No way lady you can't give up like that and I for one won't let you.

I have two Deep Blue C going in soil MUCH smaller at 30 days as well than I am use to but it is an indica dominant strain and I have been doing topping and LST. I hope they stretch more but we will see. Mine are flowering too never seen the autos start to bud so early but I'm not giving anything up.

Again, if you need/want help just ask. There's plenty of us here willing to help and get you going. Don't be shy and send PM's if you need a hand, seriously. But enough of this "hanging it up" talk. The only thing you will be hanging is buds to dry!

Dont give up, its just getting a system down. What soil do you use?
My problem is nutrient regimens and i lost my super soil from mephisto. Along with watering. Its physically so hard for me to do all this work, I am having setbacks and I thought I was past that one i started pulling a zip a plant, thought things were going well, but changing my grow area screwed with things. I am using just promix and not,ianything else besides Jones spikes which usually worked great but this round nada. I'm sick of losing so many seeds. Granted I have a lot but its frustrating. I was hoping for a niceharvest of 7 zips from 7 plants on 420 but now ill be glad to just get a gram a plant so I can even just have something. Having moved away from a medical state is making,life difficult because it have zero relief and I will not take the opiate pills the doctor gave me.
Are you just buying from the big box stores? I ask because I think you could get a dry food to top dress and water only. It would work well in the promix. And some earth worm castings top dressed and they would be well fed.
Top dressing, just sprinkling it on the top is all im doing right now.
Are you just buying from the big box stores? I ask because I think you could get a dry food to top dress and water only. It would work well in the promix. And some earth worm castings top dressed and they would be well fed.
I can get other nutrients, in fact I just switched a day ago to gh nutrients for the autoduck grow and it appears to like it.

What are you top dressing with? I'm thinking my fertilizers aren't able to leech in to the soil early enough on.

If you can give me a good brand to top dress with I will get a credit card and put it on the card if its 100 USD or less
I just found I had a half a bag of kindsoil someone gave me,right before the move. I am debating if I should rip one of the plants out or just wait.

Oh I let the Rockwood dry out too much and the dwc seedling died, but I know exactly what went wrong, I didn't have the water levels right. So I have a white crack in a rapid rooter in dwc.
You can use the mephisto gbd to top dress, roots/aurora has a great entire line of dry ferts (thats what im using ). Big up powder is a bloom food im using too. There is a grow and bloom food at the mart and big stores thats not bad at all, but i don't remember who its by. I was thinking Jobe.
You can use the mephisto gbd to top dress, roots/aurora has a great entire line of dry ferts (thats what im using ). Big up powder is a bloom food im using too. There is a grow and bloom food at the mart and big stores thats not bad at all, but i don't remember who its by. I was thinking Jobe.
I have some jobes free flow, but it doesnt rapidly feed, ill look for the grow and bloom food at a big store today, I forget if i said I have the general hydroponics liquid nutrient trio which im going to use.

I did take the 4 smallest ones out because i decided that having too many plants is just making me more upset than it is helping me get a bigger yield. If my dwc stuff goes well i might just move to dwc, it seems easier to me, just add the water and nutrients and ph. ph isn't too bad since i already have all the ph up down and meter.
the ones i took down were the grape crinkle, avt 3 bears and fantasmo, each was about 4-6 inches tall. I left the autoduck im running in the other thread (of course), a toof decay since that is starting to pack on and get me a half ounce. the rest are just a waste of time.

I'm going to think positive and hope my dwc goes well.
I quick dried the few flowers I got and I only got a gram per plant because I harvested so early. On a very interesting note, I made a salad with the grape crinkle, avt, fantasmo and 3 bears. What I found shocking is that the pain relief has never been better from 100mg of the fast dried bud I mixed. I might need to make the four of those a mainstay. There's an odd clarity I haven't ever had with cannabis from that mix which I wonder is due to being premature. Its like if Xanax and toradol are taken together with a very low dose of Xanax and a high dose of toradol.