Outdoor Opi's 2015 greenhouse action!

Well, it's a disco party..

I said I wasn't gonna do it, but I did. It's amazing how much free time, and bordom I have these days now that the kids are old enough to take off on their own. Lol..


Cream Mandarine:


Tyrone Special:


Sour crack:


All on day 3.

I also managed to scrounge up enough soil for one of the OGs. This girl will live in the greenhouse until she's taking up to much room, then she will move to a corner of the yard for the remainder of her days. The other will go out in the bush next week when I come home if no one's taken it by then.


I also placed one more final order for some Syrup Autos from Buddha seeds. By the time I get out of camp I'll have way more seed than I know what to do with... Cuz you know, it's not like I already had that problem to begin with.

I think I may have an addiction...

These guys are awesome.

Catching up on this thread. What a great blend of outright humor, good music, and info on a greenhouse grow. I'll be watching this one. I just started to Dutch Passion Frisian dew for a greenhouse grow. gotta get the greenhouse all buttoned up this weekend, so i can move plants in - 40 tomatoes, 16 cucumbers, 16 squash, 16 peppers, and two Frisian Dew. The veggies are being grown in vertical hydro towers, the Frisian dew are in smart pots.

Good stuff here Opi!
Right on man, I'm glad your enjoying it! I gave up on all the different social media stuff, so this is where I vent my randomness these days. Lol..

I love this time of year... As much fun as growing indoors is, there's just nothing quite like smoking a doobie, and chilling out on a sunny day in the greenhouse amongst all the plants. It's kinda magical and zen like, and whatever other hippyness.

Sounds like you've got a nice little undertaking on the go. Are you documenting it on here at all? I'd love to check out the adventure... DP produces some fine genetics, I haven't tried a frisian Dew yet myself though... You should keep us posted on how she goes!

:Sharing One:

Catching up on this thread. What a great blend of outright humor, good music, and info on a greenhouse grow. I'll be watching this one. I just started to Dutch Passion Frisian dew for a greenhouse grow. gotta get the greenhouse all buttoned up this weekend, so i can move plants in - 40 tomatoes, 16 cucumbers, 16 squash, 16 peppers, and two Frisian Dew. The veggies are being grown in vertical hydro towers, the Frisian dew are in smart pots.

Good stuff here Opi!
Hey Opi
I have a thread of my indoor (first grow) going over in the new growers forum. Once I get things situated this weekend in the greenhouse, I will get some pics tomorrow and start a thread on the greenhouse grow.
I hear you on the enjoying a smoke in the greenhouse. Up here in AK when it's only 60 degrees outside I like to go in my greenhouse where it is 80 degrees and bake a bit with the plants. Stand by for a thread on my grow.
The company I work for gives out prizes for excellence in safety once a month. A little while back, it was my turn to win... I guess they like my "safety meatings" So I used the prize money to buy these:


Am I stupid to pay so much for seeds? Probably.

Will I regret it? Only if it's not the best weed I've ever smoked.

But in my defence, they look pretty. I like pretty things.

I told the company safety rep what I was going to spend it on. He's all for it :)
That is a lot of coin. But they are very pretty
I've always been a sucker for pretty ladies.

These ones may be pricy, but at least I don't have to listen to them bitch about crap I don't care about.

That is a lot of coin. But they are very pretty