I've had good results from just pinching the stem and not bending it … a good pinch or two will let the secondary tops catch up to the primary with little to no danger of breakage.

I've had good results from just pinching the stem and not bending it … a good pinch or two will let the secondary tops catch up to the primary with little to no danger of breakage.

I didnt mean to do anything to the poor northern cheese haze lol, poor plant basically has suffered through a real life "saw" movie or something lol.
In general i think im a fan of topping and training. The plan was to let this plant grow natural tho so i could see what itd look like and such.
The new plan is to just hopefully keep the plant alive until chop lol
Day something or other- so ive been dealing with the horrorshow going on in the small tent and figgered id switch focus back to the big tent, and positive feelings and unicorns and sh!t lol.
Big girl, cq x 24c, is my most favorite plant ever! She is back on track, my adjustments seem to be paying off and i hope that going forward every plant i grow is like this one lol.
Shes stopped growing vertically i think, shes been at 34" for the last 4-5 days now so i think the stretch may be over.
All her budsites look like lil pompoms, every site is starting to get frosty and shes definitely got a smell going. Kinda fruit punchy in a very fake sweet punchy sorta way.
I do think ill be doing a staggered chop, ill get the top cola and let the lower, "skirt" area ripen up.
so fret not afn peeps whove been kind enough to pop in and check up on me! Its not all doom and gloom over here in baked-land!
Day something or other- good morning afn.
Just looked in on the tents and to my surprise they are both looking good this morning.
Lil northern cheese haze is starting to perk back up after her accidental late term topping lol. Shes also pulling through the gnat attack of summer '19. Checked the sticky traps and theres way less adult gnats and hopefully ive broken the larvae cycle under the soil. Ill keep an eye on it of course but im cautiously optimistic.
So this plant is my 1st exposure to any sort of cheese strain. The smell! It is so weird, pungent at times, sharp at times. Not once have i smelled anything fruity or sweet from this plant. I cant wait to smell her buds when theyve started actually filling out!
Anywho, heres that cheesy bish!
Quick shoutout to my grow homeboi from this great commonwealth, @Trav*newgrower* , he just won a light from mars hydro!
Its nice to see a fellow new grower win something!
Howdy podnar lol lil slang lol thanks for hollering at me or it would've taken me some time digging thru all the alerts and chance missing out on it. I can't believe I actually won it took a bit to make myself realize it lol I had to check and recheck lol. I'm like you @baked in the bluegrass I would love to see more new people getting selected for seeds or products or nutes well all of it lol. Especially with the ones claiming their product what ever it is helps a newbie and makes it easier to get to harvest. But thanks again gro bro for real and good looking out and letting me know or if probably missed out on it.
I agree!
Companies want the exposure so it makes sense that they want their gear in the hands of peeps who are established and such.
But i think there is a tremendous value in seeing their gear in the hands of newer growers. How easy is the gear to use, how well does it perform under less than ideal circumstances. Etc etc.
Well, good on ya for the win man!!!
Day 38 i think- the tents are good this morning. Nch had a big day yesterday so im letting her relax this morning.
Big girl on the other hand, i done had my paws all over her this morning.
Shes still truckin along, drinking water like crazy. Yesterday she drank a full gallon like it was nothing.
This week shes back on nutes, im running bud explosion and sweet candy, next week ill add recharge back in to the mix.
I dont have any sort of strict feed schedule, but in general i go nutes, plain water, recharge, plain water, nutes, etc.
All the water is bubbled now, cause thats been a great addition to the regimen.
Anywho, thats all boring deets, heres the star of the show.
Day 38 i think- the tents are good this morning. Nch had a big day yesterday so im letting her relax this morning.
Big girl on the other hand, i done had my paws all over her this morning.
Shes still truckin along, drinking water like crazy. Yesterday she drank a full gallon like it was nothing.
This week shes back on nutes, im running bud explosion and sweet candy, next week ill add recharge back in to the mix.
I dont have any sort of strict feed schedule, but in general i go nutes, plain water, recharge, plain water, nutes, etc.
All the water is bubbled now, cause thats been a great addition to the regimen.
Anywho, thats all boring deets, heres the star of the show.View attachment 1087357

She is awesome looking !