That cheese is looking beautiful dude. Nice job on training her! Looking forward to growing some myself soon and getting away from all the super sweet fruity strains. You're gonna have a great haul of savoury, skunky goodness there by the look of it.

Day 39- the tents are alive this morning. All seems to be well in the gardens.
Big girl is plumb tuckered out from her big day yesterday. She had a lot of visitors here in afn and thats rad. Now shes sleepy tho so we'll visit with the cheese.
Nch seems to be doin fine today, and yesterday was a good one for her as well. 2 plus days in a row, woot!
No new gnats buzzing around, sticky trap was clean, oh glory days!!
This morning i watered nch with recharge, gonna recharge nch back up after having to nuke the soil with the h2o2. Ill probably use the recharge the rest of this week, then next week ill try to get her back on track with my feed routine.
So im always lookin ahead, and i think im going to run a micro style perpetual grow in the small tent.
Im thinking i can do 1 gallon fabric pots, stagger 2, maybe 3 plants. Eh, thats neither here nor there yet.
Heres that cheesy cheesy bish!
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Day 39- the tents are alive this morning. All seems to be well in the gardens.
Big girl is plumb tuckered out from her big day yesterday. She had a lot of visotors here in afn and thats rad. Now shes sleepy tho so we'll visit with the cheese.
Nch seems to be doin fine today, and yesterday was a good one for her as well. 2 plus days in a row, woot!
No new gnats buzzing around, sticky trap was clean, oh glory days!!
This morning i watered nch with recharge, gonna recharge nch back up after having to nuke the soil with the h2o2. Ill probably use the recharge the rest of this week, then next week ill try to get her back on track with my feed routine.
So im always lookin ahead, and i think im going to run a micro style perpetual grow in the small tent.
Im thinking i can do 1 gallon fabric pots, stagger 2, maybe 3 plants. Eh, thats neither here nor there yet.
Heres that cheesy cheesy bish!View attachment 1087717
Nice bush bro!:growing:
Havent looked in on the solo cup babies lately, lets take a looksie....
They are trucking along. Ive finally had some deficiencies rear their ugly head. Its all good tho, it seems as if the solo cup grow is all sorts of challenging. The lack of space for roots, having to water a billion times a day lol.
Its cool to see lil mini weed plants tho!
Havent looked in on the solo cup babies lately, lets take a looksie....
They are trucking along. Ive finally had some deficiencies rear their ugly head. Its all good tho, it seems as if the solo cup grow is all sorts of challenging. The lack of space for roots, having to water a billion times a day lol.
Its cool to see lil mini weed plants tho!View attachment 1087722

Looking good hombre - what method did you employ with the fungu gnats?
Looking good hombre - what method did you employ with the fungu gnats?
4 pronged attack...
1- di earth on top of the soil
2- neem oil(im using a combo fungicide/pesticide/miticide)
3- h2o2 waterings to kill the larvae
4- sticky traps to kill the adults

Next time i do soil im going to use gnat nix stones in the bottom and top of the pot, ill also not take plants in and out of the house if i can help it.
nope...outdoor - indoor bad juju.

Neem oil for me kept reproduction in check but it was the sticky traps laid down on the gnatnix that nuked all of them.....broke the cycle as all the little fuckers that managed to hatch were greeted with the traps the minute they popped through. I see the odd one now and then - a quick zap with the pressure sprayer....job done.
The h2o2 waterings are what turned the tide for my plant im sure.
Going forward tho i think ive got my bases covered, or at the least i now have a sound strategy in dealing with em!
Wassup afn peeps. Time to look in on the lil solo cup babies.
They are chuggin along, tho 1 is definitely doin better than the other.
That reminds me, the solo cup twins are the same seeds as my big girl, mephisto freebies, cosmic queen x 24c.
They are so different! Like 2 completely different plants, its crazy the variation between the same strain.
Anywho, i gave em a haircut yesterday. The plants aren't getting enough direct sunlight out in my yard and their growth definitely reflects it. Stupidly tight bud nodes with lil growth, and lots and lots of leaves growing out with the buds.
Its all good tho, this is more foolin around than the tent grows.
Anywho, heres the best lookin of the solo cup babies, before and after the haircut. Its so cutesy wootsy, teensy weensy!