Oh yeah the top is totes dead, came back later and it had fallen off the plant entirely Tape couldnt even hold it together.
So ive got a shorty northern cheese haze, i can work with that.
Day 33- so big girl is fine, shes fekkin just beasting in her half of the tent, she cant stop/wont stop growing!
This update tho is to report some stupid craziness about northern cheese haze.
So that poor plant, its been moved twice, and then i just managed to basically sever her main stalk right at the top cola.
I was moving the lights around to clean the small tent but hadnt taken the plants out yet like a dummy. The light swung down like an axe and broke that sh!t in 2. Ive taped it in a probably futile attempt to save the branch.
So im guessing ill record northern cheese haze's attenpt to recover from the early bloom stage topping. Damn.
Heres the sequence of events....
Pic of plant under the ts1000, pic of broken plant cause im a dummy, pic of taped plant, cause im a dummy lolView attachment 1085568 View attachment 1085569 View attachment 1085570

damn...that'z like...a total...bummer :rolleyes1: me hate to see anybody have bad luck...um, like that :rolleyes2: jus velcro it mate & all will be well :biggrin: :d5: ppp
Day 33- so big girl is fine, shes fekkin just beasting in her half of the tent, she cant stop/wont stop growing!
This update tho is to report some stupid craziness about northern cheese haze.
So that poor plant, its been moved twice, and then i just managed to basically sever her main stalk right at the top cola.
I was moving the lights around to clean the small tent but hadnt taken the plants out yet like a dummy. The light swung down like an axe and broke that sh!t in 2. Ive taped it in a probably futile attempt to save the branch.
So im guessing ill record northern cheese haze's attenpt to recover from the early bloom stage topping. Damn.
Heres the sequence of events....
Pic of plant under the ts1000, pic of broken plant cause im a dummy, pic of taped plant, cause im a dummy lolView attachment 1085568 View attachment 1085569 View attachment 1085570
Dang bro! The widow and now this one. You have had some luck hahahahaha
So im gonna parade nch in front of big girl, as a friendly "reminder" of whos in charge lol.
The hits keep on coming for poor nch tho.
She is infested with gnats. I think ive finally managed to turn the tide.
Well, i dont know, if i stopped their cycle before it got going i may have turned the tide. I had been using a neem oil, combo fungicide/miticide spray casually so i might have unknowingly prevented a full on infestation thank goodness.
So im running the neem oil, sticky traps, and have done one hydro peroxide watering to kill em in the soil. Ratio was 1 part hydro peroxide to 4 parts o2.
I cannot wait to finish this round up, im off the soil entirely for a grow or 2 i think.
Ive got the 1 bubblebucket going now and if i dont hate that i might go ahead and make myself a couple more, smaller buckets. Im also not adverse to trying a hempy style grow so theres that as a possible as well.