ok, for anyone that wants to make their own CO2 for their grow room. I never addressed this in my grow journal, but i truly believe that my DIY CO2 generators helped my plants immensly. My original investment was $20-$25 american. Now i spend about $5 every 3 weeks on sugar..and a little extra work once a week. (about a half hour) Anyhow, here are some pics of what i use, and if anyone is interested in how to do it, im more than willing to help u guys out. The general rule of thumb in one generator per plant. Ive got 7 of them, with 7 plants. I have CO2 coming into the room my grow tent is in through my window a/c unit, but wanted more kick to make my plants thrive. CO2 is necessary for the plants to turn light into energy. It is possible to have too much CO2, which will in return poison your girls, but that will never happen with these generators. Anyhow, here are the pics. (I did my weekly refills yesterday)

Ok, in order, here are what these pics are:
Pic 1 is the bottles taped together. one is for the mixture, the smaller bottle is just for water to filter the co2 bubbles. Im sure you like prison wine, but your plants dont..haha (ill explain if needed)
Pic 2 is of what items your gonna need. You actually only need the sugar, warm water, and the active dry yeast. The rest are just part of a secret recipe a good friend/ colorado care giver uses. He gave it to me, says it helps.
Pic 3 is of all my generators after i mixed the ingredients, waiting for the co2 to start bubbling.
Pics 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are all of how i strategically placed the bottles, and the tubing~which is how i direct the co2 right to the plant tops. Co2 is heavier than air, so by placing it at the tops, the co2 sinks onto all the leaves from top to bottom.
Notice in the last pic that i ran the tubing straight to the top cola on one of my AKR's. the tubing is roughly the same size of a normal straw, if that gives you any indication of how big my bud is..lol (im allowed to brag a little, right?)
Anyhow, if you guys want to know how I do it, I definetly think i has boosted both plants/bud growth. And I dont have the money to get a co2 tank, regulator, and keep getting refills. Just too much money unless i was a commercial grower. Just let me know. I can even start a thread explaining everything step by step. Thanks guys!