Lighting Now it's my turn COB DIY

Personally I would go with

Meanwell 185h-c1400a
4 heatsinks
Ideal holder
Ideal reflector adapter

Wire, thermal paste, wagos or some sort of connector

You could always remove the Angelina's if you wanted to. The adapter has a small reflector on it anyways so you would help in light diversion.
What's your grow space like?
8x4 but I have two MArs Hydro II 900 + 1600 in each side, so I need some light in the middle I would say 80 x 120 cm think that must be 2x4 us unit
Personally I would go with

Meanwell 185h-c1400a
4 heatsinks
Ideal holder
Ideal reflector adapter

Wire, thermal paste, wagos or some sort of connector

You could always remove the Angelina's if you wanted to. The adapter has a small reflector on it anyways so you would help in light diversion.
Okay... what about luminous for autos ?
3000k 3500k or higher, sorry for my bad English :haha:
Lol sorry I should have picked that up.

3500k seems like Most common choice. I am debating on the 4000k being better for all around. Either of the 2 are good choices