New Grower not having success

I made it through the first page. The lights are 450w and even though they may not appear as bright as cobs or hps they are. The first picture looks like the lights 8" from the top of the plant. I know first hand 1000 ~umoles on autos without very high co2 levels will cause all sorts of problems. I actually just tested my cobs and was just under @900 umoles and started seeing problems. Does the recipe for success use sugar daddy?
My opinion on the grow and what I would do immediately would be to raise the lights to atleast 20". Repeat but they say 1000umoles at 12". With autos especially you want to be much lower than that. You will also get a pretty horrible spread at 12" nevermind 8". You can grab a hydrofarm par meter from amazon for 120$. Well worth the money if your in doubt and if your running allot of light.

Next is a sort of controversial suggestion even though I'm positive it would help, is to add a significant dose of calmag. I ran into stunted growth, burnt tips, slow drinking just about every problem till I increased the calmag. I even spoke to a rep from a nutrient company and he said the same thing. When in doubt give them a hefty dose. Photos have a slower metabolism while autos form and produce so rapidly. The calcium is mandatory in plant growth and needed even more with autos especially under leds.

I'd raise the lights to 20" and add 1tsp per gallon calmag and you will be one happy guy I guarantee it.

My before and after calmag solution.

'This was with the regular 1/2 tsp per gallon.

1.5-2 tsp per gallon. Green healthy and perky.
Thanks big! i learn every time you post on a thread.

Its good the lights have a dedicated supply, thats a lot of current. dont want any electrical problems .
Thanks big! i learn every time you post on a thread.

Its good the lights have a dedicated supply, thats a lot of current. dont want any electrical problems .

Wow, You guys are just amazing!!! Thank you so much!! @BigSm0 the pic with on top looks so familiar, thank you for taking the time to check out my issues and my lights out. My son has been running this garden he has worked in a photo grow for about three years. He is super busy now that our state has decided to pull it's head out of .... Montana laws have been a roller coaster, we just got medical back, yup they took it away and we had to pass another initiative. I Was the financier but things have changed and I will be much more active in this garden. Hence the crash course in cannabis husbandry. We have had a couple of runs that were not bad, but this one was awful. The nutes do have Sugar Daddy. I will raise the lights up. They are at an angle (?) can't tell you why, should I level them out. We also have 4 mushroom much? I will be starting HW Fast Vast (12) very soon, and want to gather as much info as possible. I will start a journal, just not sure how or where to do so, total newbie.
Once again, YOU ROCK!!!
One of the leave pictures looks like it has had nutrients hit it. It's not really not a problem with the plant but any bit will kill a leave. I see tons of people freak like it's a deficiency. The lights being on angles works if there are multiple lights in a big area but it's really not necessary. Especially if it's hitting just one side which it seems to be doing.

Sugar daddy is pretty expensive but it is part of the recipe for success. You can swap the sugar daddy with botanicare sweet raw. It's half the price and the same blend of magnesium and sulfur. My take on nutrients is magnesium sulfate like these 2 companies offer that have the same percentage of chemicaland water themdown the exact same are the same. Gallon of sweet raw is roughly 50$ sugar daddy is $100.

Vast and fast are nice plants. I ran them a few times with decent success. I personally stick my seeds in a rapid root plug and drop them into the final pots. No extra steps, no fumbling with fragile tap roots, just simple successful results. 3 gallon pots aren't bad for them but my biggest ones came from 7 gallon pots. I also held off on bloom nutrients for awhile after seeing preflowers and they turned out massive.
50% perlite is good if you like to overwater. I don't think a large plant would make it 24 hours before it went dry though. I add in an additional 20% perlite and water till I see a decent amount of run off. Never have dry spots in the pot and always helps flush out any built up salts.
One of the leave pictures looks like it has had nutrients hit it. It's not really not a problem with the plant but any bit will kill a leave. I see tons of people freak like it's a deficiency. The lights being on angles works if there are multiple lights in a big area but it's really not necessary. Especially if it's hitting just one side which it seems to be doing.

Sugar daddy is pretty expensive but it is part of the recipe for success. You can swap the sugar daddy with botanicare sweet raw. It's half the price and the same blend of magnesium and sulfur. My take on nutrients is magnesium sulfate like these 2 companies offer that have the same percentage of chemicaland water themdown the exact same are the same. Gallon of sweet raw is roughly 50$ sugar daddy is $100.

Vast and fast are nice plants. I ran them a few times with decent success. I personally stick my seeds in a rapid root plug and drop them into the final pots. No extra steps, no fumbling with fragile tap roots, just simple successful results. 3 gallon pots aren't bad for them but my biggest ones came from 7 gallon pots. I also held off on bloom nutrients for awhile after seeing preflowers and they turned out massive.
I planed on using Root Riot and dropping them right in the dirt. No more soaking and trying to put the fragile little buggers in without screwing them up. We have been using T5's for germ them moving them to LED after 2 weeks. Our water schedule FEED - WATER - WATER ON THE THIRD DAY
Thanks for the tip on nutes and pot size. I will have to work on that next time gotta get more fun tickets to upgrade. Are you using Plastic or fabric pots? 4 AM COMES QUICK, I HOPE WE CAN TALK MORE IN THE NEAR FUTURE, MY NIGH NIGH MEDS ARE KICKING IN. GOOD NIHGT
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