Well, the 480gr is kinda "baseline" for rec growers... If you can prove you have an illness, they give "special dispensation." Ya kinda get "in trouble" at first, then you're "outta trouble" once they buy your explanation. I'm a weird case - I'm still waiting for my residency thru Immigration, so I don't really qualify to get a card, yet I have needs. Not too keen on putting my name on any govt's list, but... might. For now, I'll be a pirate, yarr!
I need a lot more than 40gr per month for my needs, esp. for tincture & erl. Almost impossible for me to produce enough quality to keep me in meds year-round until we're in residence all year. THIS is gonna be my year! Year of the Goat, heheh.
I ran out of my meds about a week ago...

But hanging in there with the MgCl & BS. I'm hitting them both hard-core, & doing the potty quick-step, but no matter. Bit of Hershheimer's yesterday, better today.
Sadly, one of the negative effects of legalization is no buying/selling (which is why the legalization - to keep $ out of the pockets of narcotraficantes). The old Paraguayan brick used to sell for $40/25gr, nasty stuff, but it worked a bit... at least for some relaxant. Nowhere to be found now.
Hence, those folks who got huge harvests (nearly 100% rec users here) are sitting on it, waiting for times like NOW when there's none to be found anywhere, and selling at more than $150/gram (relax - that's pesos, not dollars, about $5.35/gr). Even that's too rich for my blood, esp. when I don't know how it was grown or if they used chems on it.
Happily, friend Silvia took off for Cabo Polonio this morning. Lovely little village on the dunes - no electricity, no running water, nada... Great place to unplug & get away. Mostly old hippies there, off the grid with solar & DIY wind turbines. And everybody grows. And everybody loves Silvia, so I sent $1,000UYo with her, cuz she gets "friend prices." Luckily, everyone there grows organic. Hoping she gets lucky.
Already have some Early Haze about 8" & some Pehkuruder x AK47, SR60, Heavy Duty Fruity & a few more seedlings I plan to carry out to the house next week for transplanting in the raised beds. The EH will be finished in about 6 more weeks or maybe a bit sooner.
I'll be breaking all the rules this summer with entirely too many plants, but since we're surrounded by woods & hardly anyone knows we're there (no road), not too worried. The autos will be well finished & jarred or made into honey oil before the rent-a-copters from the USSA start flying in January.
Just gotta grit me teeth & hang on a bit longer. Yeah.