New Grower not having success

To low will lock out some stuff here is a chart.

@retireandgrowpot sorry mam :thumbsup:
I havent grown in soil for about a year now- but if you can pick up an accurate 8 soil ph probe.
If you know the ph of your soil thats half the battle.
Your last plants dont look all that bad- the picture of the leaf you posted looks like a phosphorus deficency to me.
And the plants look a bit short- maybe the leds were a bit close? That can stop them from gaining some height.

So are you following technafloras feed schedule? Feed schedules are nearly always made for photoperiods and even at that theyre on the strong side.
So its normal for auto growers to start at 1/4 strength and work up from there.
Havent used technaflora myself but i think some of these growers have
@BayLee420 @Brew712 @Watergunz @Maria Sanchez any info on technaflora for autos guys?
@sanguine I will pick up a soil probe, as the reading I am doing on this site, seems to really focus on soil ph. I have battled with my son over light height, with this and other info I think I might win this one :) As for the the nute program, I started out at 1/4 strength and have worked up, still very unsure about these nutes, seems like a lot of bottles. If FF is too hot then is there better soil? Thank you again for your help.
Well im on the other side of the atlantic so not sure if you can get these in the states.
But plagron light mix and biobizz light mix work well with autos.
And if you want to simplify things on the nutes you could always go with tangs easy feed schedule.
Its only 4 bottles (2 up until flower)
Its simple and proven to work