Outdoor Noob grows sensi N/L auto outdoor.

Re - the Spider Mite Recipe

I have no doubt the concoction of expensive (in the UK anyway) essential oils does indeed help but I think they are a bit snake oil. The one active ingredient is the detergent - it breaks the ability of spidermites to use their webs and inhibits their breathing apparently

Humidity is another no-no for spidermite - so if its a pre-flower consider regular spraying with a dilute detergent and ramping up the humidity (do remember to spray the undersides of leaves). You can place a polythene bag around the base to prevent detergent spray from getting into the soil /whatever mix.
Looking good man, keep up the good work mate!
Im currently growing indoors but im about to plant my first outdoor plant since the weather is all good now. This thread was of real help
Goodluck mate
We got a little bit of an overcast but sun is beaming, 43 degrees c ... The warm wind fried the test plant today lucky I was home and kept checking up on em. Couple of the leaves started to curl so in the house she went!...View attachment 694767

What state you in? Just realized you in aus... How's the cob build going?
Sorry mate I always get lost in what threads I start to follow, missed you question.. And every post after haha, Idiot ey.
I'm sa anyway yaself?
Also the builds going well. I've got a dodgey unit pumping 200w through three moderate sized cobs. Its not a good example but I've built it for less than $150!!! And its filling a 1m2 space corner to corner! Its been a serious upgrade for the same price as my original unit.
Anyway everything here is looking good mate I'm interested to see how the training works out. I havnt done it yet but I have a couple prime subjects that might benefit. Stop past my bloody skunk thread I'll post up some fresh pics. By the looks of it they're around the same age.
Catch ya mate