Outdoor Noob grows sensi N/L auto outdoor.

Looks like pre-flower?
I think I made a mess lol I realized preflower started yesterday but my training looks shit or does look OK?
Will the bottom shoots come up and be bud site's? She smells amazing lol
Training is perfect if you ask me. Figure out the arc of the sun and place the plant s the main tip leans away from exposure. Here in the northern hemisphere I lean the main tip to the north, but I am pretty sure you would point your main tip to the south to maximize secondary branching. Little too high to figure out this right now!! Hope that makes sense! Check out my guide...might make more sense than I am right now...hahaaha

How old is she now and what nutrients are you giving her currently? Those lower leaves look a little light.
Four weeks tomorrow, and those bottom leaves have always been a little lighter.... due for a nute feed Monday and will continue with veg nutes for 2 more weeks? And start with flowering nutes, rhino skin, big bud, bud X factor, bud candy...at the same time???
I think its a sound plan you have with the veg.
However...if I was you I would get on a solid feeding schedule for flower.

Here is tangs schedule for AN. It has worked well for me and many others

Tangs improved Schedule

Mix per litre

Days 1 to 10 - plain tap water (PH 7.4)

Days 10 to 15 - 1ml Sensi Grow A, 1ml Sensi Grow B, 1ml Voodoo Juice.

Days 15 to 20 - 1.2ml Sensi Grow A, 1.2ml Sensi Grow B, 1ml Voodoo Juice, 1ml Carboload.

Days 20 to 25 - 1.4ml Sensi Grow A, 1.4ml Sensi Grow B, 1ml B52, 1ml SensiZym, 1ml Carboload, 1ml RhinoSkin.

Days 25 to 30 - 1.6ml Sensi Grow A, 1.6ml Sensi Grow B, 1ml B52, 1ml SensiZym, 1ml Carboload, 1ml RhinoSkin.

Day 30 - Flush medium of mineral build up by passing water through soil,I will use water straight from the tap no sitting out and I will put 40L through my 15L pots with the last 5L containing 1ml Sensi Bloom A, 1ml Sensi Bloom B and 1ml Voodoo juice. The medium will not need watering on day 31.

Day 32 to 35 - 1.8ml Sensi Bloom A, 1.8ml Sensi Bloom B,1ml Voodoo Juice,1ml BigBud, 1ml Carboload,1ml Calmag.

Day 35 to 40 - 2ml Sensi Bloom A, 2ml Sensi Bloom B, 1ml Voodoo Juice, 1ml BigBud, 1ml Carboload, 1ml Calmag.

Day 40 to 45 - 2ml Sensi Bloom A, 2ml Sensi Bloom B, 1ml B52, 1ml BigBud, 1ml Carboload, 1ml Calmag.

Day 45 to 60 - 2ml Sensi Bloom A, 2ml Sensi Bloom B, 1ml B52, 1ml Overdrive, 1ml Calmag, 2ml Carboload, 2ml Bud Factor X.

Day 60 to 70 - just water with un-PH'd water.
Thanks man will workout a feeding schedule accordingly...

Appreciate it mate!
Thanks man will workout a feeding schedule accordingly...

Appreciate it mate!

You have to be carefull with strong bloom nutes like AN..give them too much and it will hurt them not help them.
Thanks for dropping by mate! They seem to be very happy out in the heat and I'm keeping a close eye on them, and the lower leaves always seemed a bit lite in colour, but put it down to starting them off under t5 lighting, not sure! ...

There seems to be tiny spider webs I keep pulling off (spider mites?) I think I will treat the little fukcers to some neem oil in tonight's watering with a lil white oil spray just to keep the fukcers away, I don't want to wait till they look sick?

I'm really interested in your pots with the big holes (instatransplanting? Can't remember what you called it) what size pots did you start in?

Also looking into cobs for a winter grow, I see @orrganic building one... How's that going mate? I'm thinking of getting a mau5 kit from cutter.com or even buying the parts and building my own but still a learning process and don't want to take the plunge before I'm 100% know what I'm doing lol

It's hard work earning rep slaps!

Natural spider mite spray recipe
1ml lemon eucalyptus
1ml peppermint oil
1ml sweet orange oil
1ml sandalwood oil
1ml rosemary oil

1 teaspoon of dishwashing soap

5 ml of olive oil

I gallon of water
*2 tablespoon of neem optional if you are using the whole bottle then in one single use or within the day.. if not do not add!!! Spray daily twice a day after week 3 weeks of vegs.... use up until you enter full flowering.. it smells amazing

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