Outdoor Noob grows sensi N/L auto outdoor.

Hey bud...wanted to stop by and see how things are going! I see your brown spot has not changed...definitely seems like a bug bite, as it hasn't progressed like it would if it was a nute deficiency. Now the lowest leaves...are they yellowing, or is it just the lighting?
Looking good so far!
Damn you have a long way to go before trading in your rep for a good ass slappin', those don't come cheap!! :D
Thanks for dropping by mate! They seem to be very happy out in the heat and I'm keeping a close eye on them, and the lower leaves always seemed a bit lite in colour, but put it down to starting them off under t5 lighting, not sure! ...

There seems to be tiny spider webs I keep pulling off (spider mites?) I think I will treat the little fukcers to some neem oil in tonight's watering with a lil white oil spray just to keep the fukcers away, I don't want to wait till they look sick?

I'm really interested in your pots with the big holes (instatransplanting? Can't remember what you called it) what size pots did you start in?

Also looking into cobs for a winter grow, I see @orrganic building one... How's that going mate? I'm thinking of getting a mau5 kit from cutter.com or even buying the parts and building my own but still a learning process and don't want to take the plunge before I'm 100% know what I'm doing lol

It's hard work earning rep slaps!

Thanks for dropping by mate! They seem to be very happy out in the heat and I'm keeping a close eye on them, and the lower leaves always seemed a bit lite in colour, but put it down to starting them off under t5 lighting, not sure! ...

There seems to be tiny spider webs I keep pulling off (spider mites?) I think I will treat the little fukcers to some neem oil in tonight's watering with a lil white oil spray just to keep the fukcers away, I don't want to wait till they look sick?

I'm really interested in your pots with the big holes (instatransplanting? Can't remember what you called it) what size pots did you start in?

Also looking into cobs for a winter grow, I see @orrganic building one... How's that going mate? I'm thinking of getting a mau5 kit from cutter.com or even buying the parts and building my own but still a learning process and don't want to take the plunge before I'm 100% know what I'm doing lol

It's hard work earning rep slaps!


Oh hope its not mites...look on the underside of the leaves. A magnifying glass will spot the little buggers if they are present. I cannot comment on application white oil or neem oil. I am blessed with an amazing place to grow...I get bug damage every year, but plants grow so fast the little buggers can't eat fast enough to cause me real problems. :D (never had spider mites outside...unless I am mistaken its more of an indoor problem?)

I ran my auto ultimate maximus in insta-transplant pots for 24 or so day before planting it in the ground. Pots were 6"(15cm)X6"(15cm)X8"(20cm)deep. If I had the space I would go with even a bit bigger pot.
Iv got a lil jewelers magnifying thingy lol been sitting in the cupboard for weeks... Going to have a play with it now...

Sweet going to get a few lil pots going next week, will keep you posted!

I found a couple of suckers on and under some leaves so I went ahead and treated the suckers to some neem oil in the watering tonight, and before I sprayed the white oil, I sprayed a test plant and came back an hour later to see its reaction... Looked all good so I went ahead with the spray!
Looking good man that white oil should be enough to keep most bugs away and I doubt the webs where spider mites im yet to see them in my 4 years of outdoor xp. Eco neem did the trick for a bad infestation in the pots on my previous run, so its obviously really strong I'd advise very sparse application mixed and watered through without nutrients.
We got a little bit of an overcast but sun is beaming, 43 degrees c ... The warm wind fried the test plant today lucky I was home and kept checking up on em. Couple of the leaves started to curl so in the house she went!...

What state you in? Just realized you in aus... How's the cob build going?