Outdoor Noob grows sensi N/L auto outdoor.

Thanks for the rep @Maria Sanchez and for dropping in! I have a loop 30x and will keep an eye out.

Question: for couch lock effect, what colour should the pistols or trichs be?
Thanks for the rep @Maria Sanchez and for dropping in! I have a loop 30x and will keep an eye out.

Question: for couch lock effect, what colour should the pistols or trichs be?
Looking great bro, I'd also say more like three weeks as well. In my experiences, pulling earlier gives more of a couch lock effect. This would be as the trichs go from clear to milky and before they turn amber. You'd still want to wait for your pistils to die back though.
Thanks for the rep @Maria Sanchez and for dropping in! I have a loop 30x and will keep an eye out.

Question: for couch lock effect, what colour should the pistols or trichs be?

I'm more of an early(ish) harvester.
I like high, not so much stone.
Though... depends on situation.

I usually harvest with about 75% orange/brown pistils.
So, you should go for more.
With an indica like NL, should be no problem.
(Some sativa strains will just keep flowering, and flowering, and flowering....)

Others may have different opinions.
What state you in? Just realized you in aus... How's the cob build going?
COBs are going great, i've got 400w worth running and loving it... SA mahn, yourself?
Reading through old activity and saw this haha better late than never ey.. How did this one turn out?
COBs are going great, i've got 400w worth running and loving it... SA mahn, yourself?
Reading through old activity and saw this haha better late than never ey.. How did this one turn out?
High bud!
Glad to hear things are going well! And the cobs I'm jealous ...

I ended going indoors and mh/hps and and am in final weeks of this Afghan skunk (mainlined) by dinkums skunk, aus breeders.

Well it's that time of year to get our asses into gear outdoors! Spring!

Hope all is well, and late is better than never!
High bud!
Glad to hear things are going well! And the cobs I'm jealous ...

I ended going indoors and mh/hps and and am in final weeks of this Afghan skunk (mainlined) by dinkums skunk, aus breeders.

Well it's that time of year to get our asses into gear outdoors! Spring!

Hope all is well, and late is better than never!View attachment 801814 View attachment 801819
those colors are insane have a :slap: for showing off that beauty :cool1:
High bud!
Glad to hear things are going well! And the cobs I'm jealous ...

I ended going indoors and mh/hps and and am in final weeks of this Afghan skunk (mainlined) by dinkums skunk, aus breeders.

Well it's that time of year to get our asses into gear outdoors! Spring!

Hope all is well, and late is better than never!View attachment 801814 View attachment 801819
ohhh good shit! nothing like growing through winter haha.. What size globes are you using? Thats a beuat of a plant mate good work! tell me more about this dinkums skunk you speak of haha..
im exited for the sun, how about yourself?
Yeah dinkums only breed skunk genetics ...

Yeah just cheap eBay rubbish 600w nanolux digital adjustawing, no need for heaters in flower as you notice the colour's...

Man am I excited for outdoor! Got two main projects for some perso, reserva privada kosher kush, and lemon Walker by DNA, got 65 gallon pots ready and super soil in the works! Been brewing couple months now, with compost tea's... so busy busy.... This is Just a fraction! Of what's going on!

How about you @orrganic ?
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