Indoor Nice Option's Garden of Intergalactic Delights

Hey man nice thread. That's the bad part about bottled nutes, you always need something else. I switched to a 3 part powder fert with a powder pk boost for flower and do great. It mimics the Jack's 3-2-1 formula. Zkittles looks awesome and it sucks you couldn't finish the NYCD, I'm sending some good karma yout way bro
What powders fert u usin?
From a company called customhydronutrients, it's a brand called Peter's professional 5-11-26, along with calcium nitrate greenhouse grade 15.5-0-0 and magnesium sulfate (epsom) 0-0-0
I use superthrive in veg and Jack's bloom booster 10-30-20 as an additive for flower.
DAY 65

Zkittles is shaping up quite nicely now. I hit her with PK boost at 50% for 3 days. I don't know if it did anything but calyxs have begun to swell a bit and pistils are turning a nice bright orange now.

She's quite a pretty plant all things considered. She's on probably on the last week of feed now and will then be flushed. She's quite big and has a lot of flowers although they're not quite as dense as I'd hoped. I'm sure they'll fill out a bit over the next couple of weeks though.




I'd guess she'll run to 80 days or so, which is about what I'm used to.

Trichomes are mostly milky with some clears left and no amber, might go a little bit longer if she can take it.

There's a small dehumidifier in there now as well as I'm terrified of bud rot from previous disasters.

DAY 32

Training seems to have paid off on the Super Skunk and she's developed a nice flat top from which I hope a bounty of stinky flowers will emerge.

I am loving these Shogun nutes. The leaves look very healthy and no signs of def although I've fed a touch high by the look of it so I'll ease back about 10% or so. It's nothing major so easily sorted. Stems are nice and thick, nothing to complain about at all on this one.

I've just given her the first dose of Mammoth P. I know it should have been done earlier but I just ordered it as a little payday treat for myself.



Looking great, Nice Option! Zkittlez looks beautiful! Love the structure of the plant and she looks big! How tall is she from coco, anyway?

Super Skunk is LUSH! Pretty green foliage. Looks like potentially a big producer to me, so far.

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Thanks buddy, she's about 65cm from the pot and 75cm wide.

If i were to grow her only, she'd be a good candidate for a 2/3 plant scrog. Honestly, I've seen this as a lighting experiment so I'm not too concerned about yield, I've not really added anything for flower and I think I could have done better but now I know how the light works I feel more comfortable with further runs.
I'll grow her again for sure, i think she'd be a good yielder if I was looking to get that from her. Big plant and an easy trim job by the look of it. Nice cash crop if that's your thing.
Terps are quite interesting, and have developed over time. Definitely more of a candy smell than I was getting a few days ago. Gonna be a sweet smoke I think. Nice sugary, berry profile with a skunky, slighlty fermented backdrop. I'm happy to eat my own words with this one. She smells very, very nice. A real stinker though, the filter has her work cut out.

The Super Skunk is doing great, I'm really happy with her. I'm super, super. super impressed with the shogun nutes so far. It could all change when flower kicks in but so far, they're responding fantastically. I'm a big fan. If bottled nutes are your jam, Shogun do a great job.

Writing this very high on the last of my Tangie. Apologies if I'm rambling.

DAY 69

I've stopped feeding with the GH nutes entirely now and the only thing I'm giving her is Dragon Force from Shogun, which is meant to be a standalone final week feed to give a last minute boost. It seems to be doing the trick as buds are beginning to dense up now we're nearly at the end. Seems to be a little more visible frost too although that's probably just the pistils turning inwards and making it more visible. I dunno, they look pretty good though and much better than I'd have expected a couple of weeks ago. I'll continue the feed until Sunday/Monday and then it's flush time.

Hoping I can get the N out (this seems to be the source of the grassy/hay smell?) Judging by the leaf colour there's still a lot to to and strip out. A long flush is fine by me though, I'll do it as long as the plant can handle.

Still no ambers really, but mostly cloudy trichs.

Sorry for the crap pics!




DAY 37

Checking in with the Seedstockers Super Skunk.

After adding Mammoth P she seems to want less nutes, makes sense I guess and tells me the Mammoth P is doing it's job and the plant is taking up well. Fine by me! Saves money and lowers the overall ppm.

She's turned into quite the bush and is having a hard time sharing with her room mates. Took a few fans off but nothing too major. I've been tucking like she's on Ru Pauls Drag Race rather than removing leaves, It's been paying off I think.

Looking like we're about to hit the stretch proper, no sign of flower yet though. RH is a little lower than I'd usually have it for veg, at about 43% at the moment as the Zkittlez is on the last week or so. I'll let it run back up to 50ish once she's out of there.




DAY 69

I've stopped feeding with the GH nutes entirely now and the only thing I'm giving her is Dragon Force from Shogun, which is meant to be a standalone final week feed to give a last minute boost. It seems to be doing the trick as buds are beginning to dense up now we're nearly at the end. Seems to be a little more visible frost too although that's probably just the pistils turning inwards and making it more visible. I dunno, they look pretty good though and much better than I'd have expected a couple of weeks ago. I'll continue the feed until Sunday/Monday and then it's flush time.

Hoping I can get the N out (this seems to be the source of the grassy/hay smell?) Judging by the leaf colour there's still a lot to to and strip out. A long flush is fine by me though, I'll do it as long as the plant can handle.

Still no ambers really, but mostly cloudy trichs.

Sorry for the crap pics!




Looks tasty man! Interested to hear your thoughts on the bud quality between the HPS and Telos
DAY 37

Checking in with the Seedstockers Super Skunk.

After adding Mammoth P she seems to want less nutes, makes sense I guess and tells me the Mammoth P is doing it's job and the plant is taking up well. Fine by me! Saves money and lowers the overall ppm.

She's turned into quite the bush and is having a hard time sharing with her room mates. Took a few fans off but nothing too major. I've been tucking like she's on Ru Pauls Drag Race rather than removing leaves, It's been paying off I think.

Looking like we're about to hit the stretch proper, no sign of flower yet though. RH is a little lower than I'd usually have it for veg, at about 43% at the moment as the Zkittlez is on the last week or so. I'll let it run back up to 50ish once she's out of there.





Very nice looking bush!!


Buds Galore!! :D