Lighting NG420 & the Skysaber 640w adventure

no probs bro, and the trichs don't lie haha:biggrin:

haha too right mate, im looking for 75% amber so ill start flush around 60% :d5:

We're on about 50% right now overall, so the flush is imminent which should finish her off.

The terps on this one are incredible!!

Hope your staying safe dude


Hello everyone!!

After a long wait, I am finally uploading a few squish pics. This is the method I use to make rosin. It is by no means, THE method I suggest everyone to use. This is just what works for me with the equipment and material I have to work with.

So straight to it! First up, this is how I collect the kief I use to make the rosin.

Here are my home made screens, they’re not amazing but like I say they give me what I need.

1 prep DS work screen.png

I choose to dry trim my harvest when the time comes over the work screen you see here. Then I slowly pick up and drop the material with a plastic library card and save all the sugar leafs up in a ziplock bag and put it straight in the freezer later to be used as material. I believe this preserves the trichome heads that are left on the trim. The beauty is you can run one batch multiple times, but it does require cleaning at the end. Something I will show another time on here.

1.1 prep Ds material.jpg

After one run of the frozen ziplock material, here’s I what I managed to collect. This is a really satisfying experience!

1.2 prep DS return.png
1.21 prep ds return collect.png
1.22 prep ds material 2.png
1.23 prep DS collect.png

After collecting all of the heads, I either press them straight away or put the in the fridge til I am going to press them. Heres what you will need to press the kief into rosin.

1.24 Things u need.png

On the left there are 25 micron bags, this is what i will pack the kief into directly.
On the right you can see the 160 micron bags that I use.
I double bag the kief to try and filter out most particulates from the press. However the 25 micron bag is doing most of the work here. I was going for yield here, so the 73 micron bags I didn’t use. However if I wanted super clean stuff I would have put the 25 micron into these.
After collecting all of the material I load it up into the 25 micron bag.

1.25 prep bag fill.jpg
1.26 prep bag fill inside.jpg
1.27 prep bag fill measure.jpg
1.28 prep bag fold over.jpg
1.29 prep kief in 25u.jpg

Fold over the 25 micron bag and trim with scissors. (Forgot to photograph this)
Make sure it is evenly spread out and Insert it into the 160 micron bag.

1.30 prep dbl bagd.jpg

Cut a straight strip of parchment and place on the press, is use this incase the rosin pours out of the folded parchment we will put the puck in.

1.31 parchment.jpg
Cut another strip of parchment and fold. I tend to not fold the sheet in exact half, I keep the bottom bit a little longer to make it easier catch the goodness. Fold over the sides according to the size of the kief puck you have made.

1.32 prep how to fold.jpg
1.33 prep measure kief bag.jpg

Place the parchment with the puck into the press. Do not switch on the press at this time, this is a pre press and requires not heat. Just using the weight of the press. Repeat for all pucks and switch press on. I press kief at 95 degrees when going for yield but 70 degrees when im going for fire! Im going to try and make moon rocks with this stuff in the future that is the reason I went for the yield.

1.34 prep. place parch into press.png

1.35 trime excess and fold.jpg

Trim off any excess from the outer bag.

Attach the top of the parchment to the plate with a magnet as shown in the next image. This bit can be super fiddly! For the bottom part, simply snip the sides of the paper where the parchment needs to bend down and secure to the plate.

1.36 prep pre press.jpg
1.37 puck in press.jpg

Before I start to add pressure I set the timer for 90 seconds. I use this as way in which to warm up the puck of rosin and SLOWLY apply pressure. By using the timer it makes sure im not going gung ho and just pulverising my material.
After the first 90 seconds, I should be at almost full pressure with the crank.
Within the next 60 seconds I apply full pressure and leave the pressure on for another 60 seconds. However, you have to be a little intuitive, look closely, listen and you might hear some more rosin being made and the stream slowly continuing. I don’t leave pressure on for longer than 120 seconds here. I would just squish again if there was still some rosin left in there.
Here is a run by with photos of how the rosin flows.

15 seconds in. Hardly any pressure just getting warm

1.38 15 sec warm.jpg

37 seconds in

1.39 37 secon butter.jpg
1.41 37 sec butter close.jpg

79 seconds in

1.42 79 second butter.jpg

90 seconds in

1.43 90 sec 1.jpg
1.43 end of 90 sec butter.jpg
1.44 90 sec 1 pressure.jpg

104 seconds in

1.45 104 second butter.jpg
120 seconds in
1.46. 120 butter 2.jpg
1.47 120 butter.jpg

142 seconds in

1.48 142 second butter.jpg

149 seconds in

1.49 149 second butter.jpg

End of last 90 seconds

1.51 final 90 1.jpg
1.52 final 90.jpg

I also did a second press which was for 2minutes in total so here’s a few photos from that.

1.53 2nd press 1.jpg
1.54 2nd press butter 1.jpg
1.55 2nd press butter.jpg

That is pretty much the entire process… I hope you didn’t get to bored!! Here are the returns I got! I didn’t weigh it out but there is sure a good amount here! Enough to make some moon rocks I think!!!

I hope the end pictures are worth the massive read! I will be posting when I make moon rocks, just as I am bored off my head! haha.

1.56 Scale.jpg
natural light return 1.jpg
natural light return 2.jpg
return .jpg
return 1st 2ndpres.jpg
return 1st and 2nd press.jpg
Lovely posts there, NG mate. You're gonna have to swap NG to OG Bro.

Some questions....
  1. How exactly are you doing your dry sift?
  2. do you get a better yield pressing the kief compared to just pressing the unsifted trim?
  3. How long can you store the Rosin before it loses its potency?
  4. what's your preferred method(s) of consumption?
  5. Are you getting more wrecked than you would do from joints?
  6. If so, does that fuck up your tolerance... like...... can you get stoned as normal the day after a heavy sesh?
  7. When it comes to using actual bud... fresh or dry.....and..... cured or uncured?
  8. You said 70° for fire and 90° for yield... are you saying there's a noticeable difference in kick when you go cooler?
Man I gotta save up and get me a press... thanks for taking the time to show us how you use yours.... that was excellent!
Bring on the Moonrocks!
Lovely posts there, NG mate. You're gonna have to swap NG to OG Bro.

Some questions....
  1. How exactly are you doing your dry sift?
  2. do you get a better yield pressing the kief compared to just pressing the unsifted trim?
  3. How long can you store the Rosin before it loses its potency?
  4. what's your preferred method(s) of consumption?
  5. Are you getting more wrecked than you would do from joints?
  6. If so, does that fuck up your tolerance... like...... can you get stoned as normal the day after a heavy sesh?
  7. When it comes to using actual bud... fresh or dry.....and..... cured or uncured?
  8. You said 70° for fire and 90° for yield... are you saying there's a noticeable difference in kick when you go cooler?
Man I gotta save up and get me a press... thanks for taking the time to show us how you use yours.... that was excellent!
Bring on the Moonrocks!

Hey brother!
Im glad you approved, there was a lot to get through!!

1. Ok so my dry sift is done as follows.
HARDWARE: As for the screens, these are screens that i made. I watched a bubblemans world video and noted the lines per square inch to micron.

WORK SCREEN > This is the one at the top you can see, the one the material is dropped onto and 'worked' on.
This is 250micron or 80 Lines per inch

165 micron is 100 LPI

149micron is 110 LPI

75 micron is 200 LPI

1.When i dry my plants i leave sugar leaves on, i only remove large fan leaves.
2.When i dry trim, i put all the sugar leaf into a ziplock and then into the freezer to preserve the trich heads. The colder the environment the better
3.Lay the screens ontop of one another on a glass or metal or marble surface. Something smooth and clean.
4.Depending on the size of the screen, drop your material from a height > Youre trynig to break the heads off the leaves and buds and get them to fall down the screen.
5.A common rule of thumb is to agitate the material gently for about 10 seconds for the first run... picking up and dropping, carding (carding is a term used to scoop up the material and drop it back down, or to further clean the hash on the 165 micron screen by spreading it about gently.) <This is where cold temp is important or all of your heads will gum up and stick together with heat)
HOWEVER, due to time constraints, i tend to agitate the material for around 4 minutes a time, whatever run it is... and ensuring im not SCRAPING OR PUSHING the matter into the holes.
6.When your happy you have worked it enough, pick it up and store it back in the ziplock and i normally put it back in the freezer and run it two more times on another occasion. Yield does diminish if you are dry sifting effectively, but the potency of the material stays the same, youre just going over what you missed after all.

2. I have only pressed sugar leaf once and the yield was poop. The density of the trichomes doesn't seem to be there for doing it this way. It is a far better return ini quality and quantity if you press 5g of kief over 5g of sugarleaf... I also think this is why autos don't yield as much on the press, unless they are bred with some sort of hashplant. But I have had amazing results with barneys glue gelato auto>. massive plant, super potent, amazing mango and pineapple terps and 22% yield off the press for flower rosin. Which gives the big boys like gorilla glue or the white a run for their money! Mephisto have some great strains for pressing aswell, but barneys yield is mega.

3. I keep my rosin in the fridge. Normally it's left to 'butter up' overnight and it does stabilise and become easier to work with. This is when it goes lovely and shiny, iits like the first stage of the hash cure i think. I then jar it up if i have loads. This batch is nearly 3 weeks old now and in the fridge i cant see it going off.

4. My preferred method is taking a low temp dab. Heat up your dab rig banger or nail for about 1:15 with a butane blowtorch. Then leave it to cool for around 35-40 seconds ( this just takes practice to refine what type of temp you want your dab, and is subjective because its down to your preference...

5. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes. This is super high quality dank ass shit. In the UK cannabis concentrates is a class B now i think! < fucking idiots.

6. Tolerance is a slippery slope bro... I only dab on a sunday or saturday night or to celebrate something... It is far to strong for me to swap joints
for dabs... the high off a dab for me can last around 4-5 hours if its good stuff. So i think if you respect it, it is incredible. However because the THC content is almost 3fold to flower, i personally think that prolonged use of it could cause some shit to happen to your brain, even if its just short term memory loss etc, it would effect you. As for the next day, when i dab i have joints aswell so its a mix. So it's never like I cant get high enough or anything like that and i don't rely on dabs to get me to where i want to be as i smoke more flower.

7. I have found that bud dried to about 80% of what you normally would works great. Ensure the strain is optimum for pressing, because you only get a decent return if your method is right and your flower is CAKED in THC. Cured bud does work well aswell, i find the best is in mason jars with the 62 BOVEDA humidity packs you told me to use from my first grow.

8. Yeah a massive difference. You compromise on the yield for quality at a lower temperature. Some people press flower at 110 celsius! Assisted presses work better because they can put more pressure on the material and at a lower temp give you a better yield than a hand crank press like mine would give. I have ordered a DULYTEK rosin press so hope to be making the moonrocks on that. Check them out, theyre fab!
TBH the taste of rosin pressed at 75 degrees is immense << but it is not only temperature which affects quality. The size of micron bag you use also plays a big role in what you are letting drip onto the parchment.

I hope this begins to answer some of your questions bro!
