Lighting NG420 & the Skysaber 640w adventure

Mate, I'm back to 5 days a week, and missing lockdown badly! Kinda looking forward to that second wave they keep going on about.
I wish there was a way of just being stoned all day, but they get a bit suspicious at the Brain Surgery unit when I turn up all bloodshot.

Moonrocks... I cant wait for the pics and how to info.
FFS NG, watch out now.... if you're anything like me... extended periods of cannabis induced inebriation will allow the Klutz gene to dominate.

:crying::crying: The second wave killed me hahaha. 5 days a week is heavy salad but it's one of those things, its always better to be working!
Brain surgery unit... some days i can barely tie my shoes.

Sit tight, i got all pics etc done to upload onto here! I will be posting it later on today.

I think that ship has sailed bro.

Hey everyone I have been busy sorting other things out and keeping up with all the chaos in the world right now!

Hope everyone is staying safe and sensible, US has gone absolutely nuts! Following this will be the kief squish post, so if you're interested, sit tight and scroll!

Lets not waste any time as i'm already late uploading.

Heres the whole tent at day 43

whole tent.jpg

full tent.jpg

skyline lt2.jpg

skyline lt.jpg

Skylines kicking some major bootyhole as always! I will never change my lights, to get this in under 1m squared is a dream. Its taken a lot of practice but life long learning for the win! Do yourself a favour and invest in some decent kit!

Black Cherry Punch:
Day 39
BCP centr 39.jpg

BCP side day 39.jpg

BCP top day 39.jpg

Day 42
BCP day 42.jpg

bcp day 42 side.jpg

day 43
BCP whole day 43.jpg

Day 51

BCP full d51.jpg

BCP day 51.jpg

bcp day 51 3.jpg

one down 4 to go!


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  • BCP centre.jpg
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Group shot day 51

Strawberry Eclair
Day 39
Strawb ec d39.jpg

Day 42
strwb ec sides d42.jpg

Day 51
Strawb ec d51 dull.jpg


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  • Strawb ec d51 dull.jpg
    Strawb ec d51 dull.jpg
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AFN is taking the piss uploading pictures so ill be back later to finish!
looking good brother, keep up the good work:d5: 51?.......duuuuuuuude the one on the left looks ready!!!!!
lemon amnesia
day 43
lemon amnesia d43.jpg

day 51
lemon am d51.jpg

Gorilla Zkittle
day 41
Gorilla zkit day 41.jpg

day 43
s5 and gzkit.jpg

S5&gorill zkit.jpg

S5 Haze
Day 42
S5 side day 42.jpg
s5 side 2.jpg
S5 day 42.jpg

Day 51
S5 haze side day 42.jpg
s5 day 42 close.jpg
S5 close 2.jpg
S5 d 51.jpg

Kief squish post coming this evening!

Enjoy the pics!




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  • Gorilla zkit day 41.jpg
    Gorilla zkit day 41.jpg
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looking good brother, keep up the good work:d5: 51?.......duuuuuuuude the one on the left looks ready!!!!!

Hey dude, nice to hear from u,

She's nearing the end now you are right dude by the looks of it, but something tells me the resin production is going to

kick up a notch this week, so I am going to let her go. She is a 10 week strain so im keen to see what she can do given the. time, I dont think the smoke will be compromised as im checking the trich heads for potency. She starts flush soon, the side buds are a bit underdeveloped for harvest for my liking, you know what im like with bud porn, but it's hard to take an accurate photo in a small space.

Thanks for checking in mate!
