Newbie question

Much more planning needs to be done as well. Soil, coco, hydro? What nutrient line to use. What water to use...etc..etc.. if your gonna bring em over the finish line.
would that be good for smell and ventilation?
I have a similar size fan in my 3'x3' with 1 plant and i only really smell it when the door is open. It runs at about 50% to keep everything in check. You might want to look at the cost difference of a more powerful fan with 5 plants and a bigger tent.
The one thing I will mention to you in terms of smell control.... be ready to tape up your tent. I have an inexpensive MarsHydro tent that I'm quite happy with for the price and it's the perfect size. That said, all of the passive vents, intake ports, cord passthroughs, etc.... they all leak scent readily. I was set to proclaim my filter ineffective junk until I sealed all the unused openings.

I highly recommend gorilla glue waterproof tape - it's expensive but I've had 0 smell since doing so. Use the GG tape on the outside.

Inside - apply aluminum foil tape, find it in the ductwork section of HomeDepot or Lowes. Cover those openings on the inside and outside. It should help a ton.

I also vent my exhaust fan into a homemade carbon filter bucket since I cannot risk a thing. Start with the fan/filter and taping things up.
As DDUBS says, a bigger fan would do as much with a slower speed with less noise. I run a 4 inch in my tent at 1/3 speed and it still sucks in the sides.
In my old aprtment, we used to vent our dryer into the house. We built a 12"x12" wooden box with one side open where we slide in a HVAC filter. It might give you an extra filter on the exhaust side of the fan
You can also look for carbon "pet" furnace filters and cut the sheet to fit in your vent if you need additional scrubbing.