Newbie question

Hi guys, it's been a couple of days, i will post photos soon but it's growing well.
I got a humidifier because it was hard to have a humidity level above 50% with pots of water inside the tent.
But i realized that my humidity level had a lot to do with the humidity level inside the house/outside(if windows are open)
Like yesterday the weather was 30 degree celcius and very humid,,,and in my tent it went above 60%(with the humidifier on inside the tent)
Today it's like 13 degrees celcius with no humidity and in my tent(with the humidifier on inside the tent),,it doesn't go above 49%
I have my fan/extractor set to low and i have a oscillating fan on set to low as well
I always have a bottom panel open for air to get
If you have any tips on how i could keep it more stable i would appreciate thanks
I had to get a mini dehumidifier and let the two fight it out. I set the dehumidifier about 20% higher than the humidifier and let both run. Eventually they kind of even out. I found that getting the humidity within the VPD chart numbers makes a big difference in quality of growth