New Grower New to growing for healing

Well cheers then mate. I'm Scottish..well my genes are from there. LOL But the first place your going to want to look is, Bio Tabs.there are a few others around but haven't seen solid results with other stuff in your area(s) right get a decent soil that says it'll feed up to X amount of weeks.Full organic soil for veggies will work fine.Some Bio Tabs with the flower tea PK booster. Mycotrex and Bacitrex too.those should do you well right off.Flower can lack sometimes depending on strain and times.But those IMO are you first order of business.Makes it easy simple and effortless to make organic quality meds with simple Tabs you push into the soil.Maybe a small bag of perlite too in case the soil is heavy and not aerated quite enough.small jar of molasses,Non sulphur Molasses..Epsom salts but I imagine you might have those.A product fully endorsed by a well to do breeder here.Mephisto! I have used them extensively as well!

If cost isnt too much of a barrier ,then upgrade on the soil to roots organic maybe or similar if you can get that there.BioBizz I hear is decent too.Might wanna invest in a small bag of pellet lime or garden lime.Simple item and typically VERy with maintaining a balance of PH and foods.
I started my 1st grow in Root Riot Cubes and moved it straight into a 10L root nurse fabric pot. To be fair I did not feed it an awful lot because it was getting nutrient burn on the leaf tips - So it got mostly water.

I will aim to do a better job 2nd time round
Cheers everyone...:bighug:...@Eyes on Fire :bighug:..Thank you for going taggable....

@RichiePlantBased just hooked yourself one of our finest organic med helpers in Eyes on Fire...Good Luck....:headbang:

and Seriously..seriously consider using our Baking Soda treatment plan as Complimentary treatment with your canna meds.

It is Cheap and very potent meds.