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Also id personally stick with growing atleast one plant in the three gallon while you grow a second plant in the one gallon to see how you like it. One gallons can definitely cause rootbound issues which can cause tons of nutrient issues in flower. If you do go with 1 gallon pots use the airpots as they should help keep the roots from balling up and becoming bound. Ive never heard of Autopots so they may already have all that worked into consideration.
the sensi bloom part A is 3-0-0, part B is 2-4-8
my cal mag is called CALiMAGic and its from general hydroponics. it says 1-0-0 on the bottle but i havent used it yet.
its specic stats are
nitrogen 1%
calcium 5%
mgnesium 1.5%
iron 0.1%
but yeah it only arrived this morning and my plant isnt due for a watering yet so i havent used it yet, im thinking i might not even have to since im not seeing any major deficiencies or anything yet.

Maybe cut out the part A in place of the calmag and use the part B as usual? Not sure if your nutrients are needed in a specific order but with my dyna gro nutes I just use whatever n-p-k I feel I need and I believe you could definitely do with less nitrogen and the 1-0-0 would help with that.
Maybe cut out the part A in place of the calmag and use the part B as usual? Not sure if your nutrients are needed in a specific order but with my dyna gro nutes I just use whatever n-p-k I feel I need and I believe you could definitely do with less nitrogen and the 1-0-0 would help with that.

yeah that might actually be a great idea, my part A mix only contains notrogen, magnesium and iron, so basically its cal mag with higher nitrogen. my part B contains only 2 percent nitrogen and all the phosphates and such for bloom. so yeah i dont see why i couldnt swap my cal mag for my part A and mix with part B. would still get everything plant needs for flowering but lower overall nitrogen. ill give that a go on next watering. i could even mix the calmag at half strength to lower nitrogen even more but would also lower the cal and mag by half. but i dont think that would be a problem since my plant isnt looking deficient in that area.
yeah that might actually be a great idea, my part A mix only contains notrogen, magnesium and iron, so basically its cal mag with higher nitrogen. my part B contains only 2 percent nitrogen and all the phosphates and such for bloom. so yeah i dont see why i couldnt swap my cal mag for my part A and mix with part B. would still get everything plant needs for flowering but lower overall nitrogen. ill give that a go on next watering. i could even mix the calmag at half strength to lower nitrogen even more but would also lower the cal and mag by half. but i dont think that would be a problem since my plant isnt looking deficient in that area.

im kind of curious though, what exactly is so bad about feeding plant nitrogen in flower phase, does it actually cause damage to the plant in some way, ot is it just a matter of flavour in the buds after curing.
im kind of curious though, what exactly is so bad about feeding plant nitrogen in flower phase, does it actually cause damage to the plant in some way, ot is it just a matter of flavour in the buds after curing.

They dont use nearly as much... they use the nitrogen to grow their thick foliage in veg and in flower they primarily use other nutrients to develop buds. Plants keep growing foilage a good bit into flower too but only for 2-3 weeks. After that they just really dont need it and you can see you have very dark green leaves so you already have tons of nitro plus I bet thats why the tips are burnt. Nitro will hault growth and leave you with small buds if a bad nitro tox occurs. During flower having a nice light green color is best in my opinion and usually thatll happen after the stretch once the extra N is used up from the soil... usually after the stretch is when people quit the high N nutrients because its not really needed unless you see an obvious nitro deficiency. Its common to use veg and bloom nutes together those first couple weeks of stretch too.

Also id recommend protekt too it has a few benefits its got silica in it which helps strengthen stems reduce stresses like wind burn and heat ect and it also raises ph so you could get away without adding ph up... for example if I start with a 6.3-6.5 ph water and add 10ml protekt 5ml bloom 5ml magpro my ph will end up in that same range because the nutrients lower ph and the silica raises it and ive found a 50/50 makes it even make it just depends on your water. Imo its a good thing to have around if you plan on sticking with salts.
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Also id personally stick with growing atleast one plant in the three gallon while you grow a second plant in the one gallon to see how you like it. One gallons can definitely cause rootbound issues which can cause tons of nutrient issues in flower. If you do go with 1 gallon pots use the airpots as they should help keep the roots from balling up and becoming bound. Ive never heard of Autopots so they may already have all that worked into consideration.

yeah i use the fabric smart pots right now i have them in 3 gallon and 1 gallon, they prevent root bound issues just as ait pots do, and the autopot is its own system, its a 15 litre pot that uses a valve to water but allows a wet dry cycle, basically ity helps with hands off watering using a resevoire that nuted water. apparently people are getting amazing results with them and since im on the rtoad a lot for work im thinking it would be perfect for me so i dont have to worry about watering problems if i get held up on the road.
yeah i use the fabric smart pots right now i have them in 3 gallon and 1 gallon, they prevent root bound issues just as ait pots do, and the autopot is its own system, its a 15 litre pot that uses a valve to water but allows a wet dry cycle, basically ity helps with hands off watering using a resevoire that nuted water. apparently people are getting amazing results with them and since im on the rtoad a lot for work im thinking it would be perfect for me so i dont have to worry about watering problems if i get held up on the road.

Yeah an auto waterer would be handy... I will say this though ive definitely had rootbound plants in fabric pots before they just dont do it quiet like airpots do. If you look at an airpots design you can see the large vent holes where the roots will exit and die and in my opinion with fabric clothes at the most the roots will more or less stay completely inside the pots minus some maybe attaching themselves to the very bottom. And on that note 1gal airpots may cost a bit more but they will last years versus months and are easier to spray out ect if you get bugs. Just something to consider but I dont blame you if you dont buy airpots they are EXPENSIVE! unless you buy local.. but the smaller ones arent terribly expensive which is the only reason im recommending it especially for small root systems.

Also keep in mind a fabric pots arent created equal so yours may work better then mine I have no idea.
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hey thanks for chiming in, i dont have any issues stopping my nutes as long as things are still going to continue to grow. my problem is that i have no idea how much longer this plant is going to go far before harvest, since this is my first ever time growing a plant. also i had been really interested in the super soil growing and had found some great soil recipies, the problem is im such a random light user, and ill only ever be growing one plant at a time in a 2x2 tent indoors, having gallons and gallons of soil would be serious overkill for me and id have nowhere to keep all that soil. not to mention i cant grow in anything larger then 3 gallon or its to big for my tent. cannabis isnt legal yet where i live, and even once it is legalized sometime soon apparently, the provincial rules where i live wont allow any to be legally grownpersonally. which is stupid,lol. so i cant exactly have a bunch of plants growing outside in large containers. now if i could find a recipe for only like 5 gallons of super soil mix then i would definitly give it a go.

so are you saying that if I continue nute feeding my leaves arent going to change colour? i did switch to bloom nutes which is pretty low on nitrogen, so i assumed the leaves would still colour change, but if not when will i know when to stop giving nutes to my plant? i have no idea how long this plant will take to finish to the point where im wanting to harvest so thats why i figured i would just keep the nutes going. especially considering that my nutes will probably go bad long before im able to use them all up,lol.

I just realized I missed half of this lol... yeah the leaves wont yellow out or anything like pictured. If you keep feeding chances are they will still be completely green come chop but it just depends some plants are unique.

Also as for the not growing much yeah definitely not worth making your own soil mix if you arent going to grow often and have nowhere to store it. Id recommend looking for fox farms soil... It isnt the cheapest stuff but in my opinion its a nice in between from the homemade stuff and the walmart shit. You likely wont find any fox farms in any large big retailer however if you go here youll probably find a handful of dispensaries near you carry some of their products... I wouldnt just go up there though id call and see what they have as it could just be bottled nutes or small bags ect... fox farms is expensive online point blank and is not economical for anyone on any kinda budget but ive gotten fox farms happy frog for as cheap as 20$ for 3cubic foot of soil locally which isnt bad at all... I also recommend dolomite lime which can be bought anywhere more or less but it does take time to break down (months) so keeping a small bag of the lime and the medium bag of soil would be optimal you could easily cut the bag partially open dump a cup of lime into the bag of happy frog mix it up and just let it sit in the closet... It does take up some space.... nowhere near as much as it would take up to make your own soil with bulk supplies though lol I usually end up with two 32gal cans full when im done mixing. Fox farms has a few different soils and mediums and I recommend the happy frog soil but the ocean forest is also good but can be a bit to hot for some plants and can potentially cause toxicities. But otherwise its a good soil just know they also sell a coco called voodoo doctor or something and thats a different medium it isnt like soil where its loaded with nutes..
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I just realized I missed half of this lol... yeah the leaves wont yellow out or anything like pictures if you jeep feeding chances are they will still be completely green come chop but it just depends some plants are unique.

Also as for the not growing much yeah definitely not worth making your own soil mix if you arent going to grow often and have nowhere to store it. Id recommend looking for fox farms soil... It isnt the cheapest stuff but in my opinion its a nice in between from the homemade stuff and the walmart shit. You likely wont find any fox farms in any large big retailer however if you go here youll probably find a handful of dispensaries near you carry some of their products... I wouldnt just go up there though id call and see what they have as it could just be bottled nutes or small bags ect... fox farms is expensive online point blank and is not economical for anyone on any kinda budget but ive gotten fox farms happy frog for as cheap as 20$ for 3cubic foot of soil locally which isnt bad at all... I also recommend dolomite lime which can be bought anywhere more or less but it does take time to break down (months) so keeping a small bag of the lime and the medium bag of soil would be optimal you could easily cut the bag partially open dump a cup of lime into the bag of happy frog mix it up and just let it sit in the closet... It does take up some space.... nowhere near as much as it would take up to make your own soil with bulk supplies though lol I usually end up with two 32gal cans full when im done mixing. Fox farms has a few different soils and mediums and I recommend the happy frog soil but the ocean forest is also good but can be a bit to hot for some plants and can potentially cause toxicities. But otherwise its a good soil just know they also sell a coco called voodoo doctor or something and thats a different medium it isnt like soil where its loaded with nutes..
Yeah I've actually been thinking of possibly trying cocoa on a grow sometime in the future. People are using it with amazing results in the autopot systems. And just starting will low strength base nutes and working up as the plant grows.
And thanks alot for the help advice about the nitrogen feeding. Everything I had read never said anything about cutting back nitrogen. Always just said to switch to flowering nutes and then to stop them about a week or two from harvest and start flushing. But since I don't know when my plant will be ready it's hard for me to know when to stop all nutes. But I definitely think I'll take your advice about swapping the calmag for my part a bloom nute. And run the calmag and part b. Also I ordered a jewelers loupe and it will be arriving by Wednesday. It's a 30x and 60x which should work just fine. At least this way I won't have to go by yellowing leaves and such to tell me when to harvest. I'll go by changes in the trochimes colour
Yeah I've actually been thinking of possibly trying cocoa on a grow sometime in the future. People are using it with amazing results in the autopot systems. And just starting will low strength base nutes and working up as the plant grows.
And thanks alot for the help advice about the nitrogen feeding. Everything I had read never said anything about cutting back nitrogen. Always just said to switch to flowering nutes and then to stop them about a week or two from harvest and start flushing. But since I don't know when my plant will be ready it's hard for me to know when to stop all nutes. But I definitely think I'll take your advice about swapping the calmag for my part a bloom nute. And run the calmag and part b. Also I ordered a jewelers loupe and it will be arriving by Wednesday. It's a 30x and 60x which should work just fine. At least this way I won't have to go by yellowing leaves and such to tell me when to harvest. I'll go by changes in the trochimes colour

Dont stress the not knowing when to chop especially now that you’ll have a loupe but I mean you can always keep feeding until you think the buds are ready and then quit feeding give them a nice bit of plain water and allow them to yellow out over the next week. Its all personal preference some people chop early some people chop late its no biggie you have around a 2+ week window to harvest (possibly longer) to where you can allow the plant to ow and chop and the smoke will be fine regardless if it was chopped earlier or later... youll get the hang of it but trust me youll know when its okay to flush unless you want to feed up to harvest it doesn’t matter so long as you take notes and figure out what you like best down the road.