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Heres a budshot from one of my RQS SPECIAL QUEEN plants.

RQS are typically very stable and nice and economical too... I wouldnt expect monster colas but they do grow average sized buds full of frost smell and taste definitely one of my fav breeders. Id also give dinafem a shot too for their autos. But idk it seems with the other few breeders I tried its just eh. That wasnt a mature bud btw it had two weeks to go from that point. I loved growing her because well 55 days of 12/12 is insanely fast!

But yeah my reasoning for being against nutes the last few days are by then especially with a later harvest the buds wont really bulk anymore and grow at that point youll just be waiting for trichomes to amber up and give you that more couch locked high. But im not telling you not im just giving you my reasoning for why I personally dont feed that late anymore... I would be lying if I said I noticed any harmful impacts.... some of my tastiest buds came from completely green plants... the dry and cure really helps with the taste and smell.. next grow id recommend pumping out atleast two plants and trying it both ways one with flushed one not flushed same with the extended darkness too.
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If you are wanting a late harvest by the looks of that plant you have atleast a month... even an earlier harvest is 3 weeks away in my opinion. They should get a decent bit larger hopefully atleast and royal queen seeds are pretty good thats what my fem was.. a freebie special queen seed as my bought fems didnt germinate. Thats why I kept cloning it for 4 grows or so no point in buying seeds if I dont have to... honestly I have bad luck with breeders too since it seems they never germ or take off to a SLOWWW start. Also keep in mind you may end up significantly upping nutrients soon. My first grow I would never went above half str but from there on out it seems I hit 2x the recommended dosage during mid flower when they really bulk up. Thats why I was sayin the nutrients can end up running low all of the sudden once you get things dialed in and they require much more. You could increase the dosage right now if you wanted so long as you use as little N as possible.

yeah my sensi bloom nutes are as listed....part A 3-0-0, part B 2-4-8 i personally have no idea if thats considered high r low nitrogen,lol. total newb here, and if your saying i have another 3 or 4 weeks left then this plant might get pretty impressive (to me anyway,lol.)
and i was under the impression that with autoflower strains your supposed to use less nutes then you would for a photo strain, thats why i have been running half strength, everything i read for autos said half strength. so are you saying i could actually be feeding full strength as listed on bottle, my bottles say 4ml per litre of water for full strength, so ive been feeding 2ml per pitre
yeah my sensi bloom nutes are as listed....part A 3-0-0, part B 2-4-8 i personally have no idea if thats considered high r low nitrogen,lol. total newb here, and if your saying i have another 3 or 4 weeks left then this plant might get pretty impressive (to me anyway,lol.)
and i was under the impression that with autoflower strains your supposed to use less nutes then you would for a photo strain, thats why i have been running half strength, everything i read for autos said half strength. so are you saying i could actually be feeding full strength as listed on bottle, my bottles say 4ml per litre of water for full strength, so ive been feeding 2ml per pitre

Oh thats an auto? And yes you can feed as much as itll take... thats why I was sayin ill up my nutrients until my plants fan leaves tips burn... not the entire leaf but just tiny yellow tips on them. at that point id no longer increase the dosage or you may burn entire leaves ect and slow production. But in my opinion you could definitely go to 3/4 str and see how they do and even full str or more if you dont notice any significant burning. I was thinking it was a photo lol I keep forgetting im on AUTOFLOWER NETWORK haha I also use grasscity and some others. But id still say 3-4 weeks by the looks of it unless they are unusually small buds come harvest.
Heres a budshot from one of my RQS SPECIAL QUEEN plants.

RQS are typically very stable and nice and economical too... I wouldnt expect monster colas but they do grow average sized buds full of frost smell and taste definitely one of my fav breeders. Id also give dinafem a shot too for their autos. But idk it seems with the other few breeders I tried its just eh. That wasnt a mature bud btw it had two weeks to go from that point. I loved growing her because well 55 days of 12/12 is insanely fast!
Heres a good pic to describe it...
see how the tips are starting to yellow? Thats what I look for but if they do get burnt and crispy thats fine too so long as it doesnt affect more then the tips. So long as you dont see any significant deficiencies occuring you could keep the nutes where they are but again id personally go for 3/4str but I would switch it up some... use as little of the 3-0-0 nutes as possible as thats pure nitrogen lol id keep that nutrient where its at id assume its calmag or something and the bloom nutes id increase.
Oh thats an auto? And yes you can feed as much as itll take... thats why I was sayin ill give up my nutrients until my plants fan leaves tips burn... not the entire leaf but just tiny yellow tips on them. at that point id no longer increase the dosage or you may burn entire leaves ect and slow production. But in my opinion you could definitely go to 3/4 str and see how they do and even full str or more if you dont notice any significant burning.

yeah its a afghan kush ryder auto. i went with autoflower encasue i didnt wan to have to messa round with light timing and possible lght leaks and such, so far im very happy with it, even considering it never really grew very tall and i broke the main cola off by mistake at 6 weeks, so a late topping ha ha. but its been producing more then i was expecting for a smaller plant. it only reached about 9 or 10 inches in height versus the specs that say 12 to 24. and i do have some slight tip burn on the leaves. so im not sure if i want to go any stronger on the nutes. last watering a few days ago i did increase a little to 2.5ml per litre, but im thinking i should go any higher then that.

so considering this is an auto would you still think i have 3 or 4 weeks left to harvest?

yeah its a afghan kush ryder auto. i went with autoflower encasue i didnt wan to have to messa round with light timing and possible lght leaks and such, so far im very happy with it, even considering it never really grew very tall and i broke the main cola off by mistake at 6 weeks, so a late topping ha ha. but its been producing more then i was expecting for a smaller plant. it only reached about 9 or 10 inches in height versus the specs that say 12 to 24. and i do have some slight tip burn on the leaves. so im not sure if i want to go any stronger on the nutes. last watering a few days ago i did increase a little to 2.5ml per litre, but im thinking i should go any higher then that.

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Oops didnt even realize on the tips on the other pic... that’s possibly from the calmag too though. Just keep it where its at and watch it.. If you see newer leaves yellowing out or showing any deficiencys increase the bloom and keep the calmag where its at or hell even lower it if the bloom has the right nutrients in it. The plant looks fine hopefully shes a winner and the topping doesnt set her back to much... some autos can handle it some cant typically with more expensive autos like dinafem ill see people do HST instead of LST but budget ones I wouldnt purposely perform HST until I have some experience with the strain. And yea if you want a late harvest I still think its 3+ weeks... in 1.5-2 weeks they will probably start to resemble buds you buy ect then from there they will mature and amber up. The first harvest is sad though.... its sad to see how much buds shrink lol... but if you want a dry weight estimate come harvest weigh the wet buds with as few stems as possible and then expect to lose 70-75% of the weight.

Height of the plant is irrelevant lol ive had 16” plants that yielded 14 grams and ive had 18” plants that have yielded a QP. Making a nice even canopy is key and Topping isnt even needed really I usually only top to slow growth and buy time... otherwise (with my photos) Ill just supercrop and LST. Light leaks arent a problem if you invest in a tent [emoji6] my cheap 4x2x4 cost 60$ and works great minus some pinholes that wont hurt anything. The mylar surroundings also allows you to utilize more of the light.
plus it helps make sure no random purple lights are blasting out the windows at night haha.

But yeah you may not need more then half str this grow like I said with my photos my first grow I never got above half str but once you dial it in some and get more use to it I promise youll find yourself using more and more lol. Its just part of it the healthier the plant the more it will consume... The higher the usable watts the more it will consume... the larger the root base the more it will consume... just a lot of factors and you get it all down before long. Autos ive heard are pretty easy to grow and I plan on growing some myself down the road but I prefer photos to clone... when you go to flip the photo to 12/12 you just cut off some of the lower branches clone them and veg them for the two months the flowering plants take then toss them in the tent and repeat.vegging photos can be grown anywhere more or less as light leaks arent an issue until flower.
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Oops didnt even realize on the tips on the other pic... that’s possibly from the calmag too though. Just keep it where its at and watch it.. If you see newer leaves yellowing out or showing any deficiencys increase the bloom and keep the calmag where its at or hell even lower it if the bloom has the right nutrients in it. The plant looks fine hopefully shes a winner and the topping doesnt set her back to much... some autos can handle it some cant typically with more expensive autos like dinafem ill see people do HST instead of LST but budget ones I wouldnt purposely perform HST until I have some experience with the strain. And yea if you want a late harvest I still think its 3+ weeks... in 1.5-2 weeks they will probably start to resemble buds you buy ect then from there they will mature and amber up. The first harvest is sad though.... its sad to see how much buds shrink lol... but if you want a dry weight estimate come harvest weigh the wet buds with as few stems as possible and then expect to lose 70-75% of the weight.

Height of the plant is irrelevant lol ive had 16” plants that yielded 14 grams and ive had 18” plants that have yielded a QP.

yeah im really enjoying watching all the different stages of mny grow, and actually i havent given my plant any calmag yet, the cal mag i had ordered literally just arrived this morning in the mail. im wondering if i need to even bother with it right now since my bloom nutes seem to have calcium and magnesium in them already.
and truth be told im such a light user only a coupletimes a week on days off for deep sleep use. even if i lost a lot of bud weight, what i pull off this plant should probably last me months,lol. im a low thc tolerance, so a few hots from a one hitter and im blasted and ready for a pass out sleep,lol. so il have plenty of time to grow another plant in the meantime. im actually thinking of ordering an autopot system ive been reading great things about them. that or trying a grow in a smaller one gallon pot. i enjoy growing for the fun of it and to experiment with different things. its just a fun thing for me :)
yeah im really enjoying watching all the different stages of mny grow, and actually i havent given my plant any calmag yet, the cal mag i had ordered literally just arrived this morning in the mail. im wondering if i need to even bother with it right now since my bloom nutes seem to have calcium and magnesium in them already.
and truth be told im such a light user only a coupletimes a week on days off for deep sleep use. even if i lost a lot of bud weight, what i pull off this plant should probably last me months,lol. im a low thc tolerance, so a few hots from a one hitter and im blasted and ready for a pass out sleep,lol. so il have plenty of time to grow another plant in the meantime. im actually thinking of ordering an autopot system ive been reading great things about them. that or trying a grow in a smaller one gallon pot. i enjoy growing for the fun of it and to experiment with different things. its just a fun thing for me :)

Can you post a pic of the calmag? Or if the calmag is the 3-0-0 nutrient id agree and say not to use it unless you see noticeable defiencies because even more nitrogen will definitely cause you problems. Just keep doing what you are doing and posting pics you wont hurt yields any like I said as long as you have green leaves (which you definitely do have a lot of) those buds will stay fed.
Can you post a pic of the calmag? Or if the calmag is the 3-0-0 nutrient id agree and say not to use it unless you see noticeable defiencies because even more nitrogen will definitely cause you problems.
the sensi bloom part A is 3-0-0, part B is 2-4-8
my cal mag is called CALiMAGic and its from general hydroponics. it says 1-0-0 on the bottle but i havent used it yet.
its specic stats are
nitrogen 1%
calcium 5%
mgnesium 1.5%
iron 0.1%
but yeah it only arrived this morning and my plant isnt due for a watering yet so i havent used it yet, im thinking i might not even have to since im not seeing any major deficiencies or anything yet.