New Grower New to forum, first grow journal of first ever grow!

Dont stress the not knowing when to chop especially now that you’ll have a loupe but I mean you can always keep feeding until you think the buds are ready and then quit feeding give them a nice bit of plain water and allow them to yellow out over the next week. Its all personal preference some people chop early some people chop late its no biggie you have around a 2+ week window to harvest (possibly longer) to where you can allow the plant to ow and chop and the smoke will be fine regardless if it was chopped earlier or later... youll get the hang of it but trust me youll know when its okay to flush unless you want to feed up to harvest it doesn’t matter so long as you take notes and figure out what you like best down the road.

yeah well now that i have the loupe coming maybe ill feed the calmag and part B mix up until i see roughly 50% amber trichs, then stop feeding and give plain phd water until i see mostly all amber trichs. would that sound about right?
yeah well now that i have the loupe coming maybe ill feed the calmag and part B mix up until i see roughly 50% amber trichs, then stop feeding and give plain phd water until i see mostly all amber trichs. would that sound about right?

Uh almost but honestly Id aim for 20-30% amber Id think 50% is a bit to far along let alone 100%... when the trichomes are cloudy they are full of THC and as they degrade and amber it turns into CBN that gives you that body high and usually for a heavier body high people aim for 20-30% but id just recommend researching it as im unsure but I just personally think 50% is a bit to far along let alone 100%. To much degraded THC for my liking seems kinda pointless lol.

You dont want all amber you want generally all cloudy with anywhere from 5-30% amber depending on preference. The trichomes will start off clear then gradually turn cloudy then amber... youll see some amber trichs pretty early on but that doesnt mean much ill find amber trichs here and there mid flower. But id say once the plant has all cloudy trichs with 10-15% amber flush then give her a week longer and maybe the last day being in complete dark cut the stem before turning lights back on though...
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Uh almost but honestly Id aim for 20-30% amber Id think 50% is a bit to far along let alone 100%... when the trichomes are cloudy they are full of THC and as they degrade and amber it turns into CBN that gives you that body high and usually for a heavier body high people aim for 20-30% but id just recommend researching it as im unsure but I just personally think 50% is a bit to far along let alone 100%. To much degraded THC for my liking seems kinda pointless lol.

You dont want all amber you want generally all cloudy with anywhere from 5-30% amber depending on preference. The trichomes will start off clear then gradually turn cloudy then amber... youll see some amber trichs pretty early on but that doesnt mean much ill find amber trichs here and there mid flower. But id say once the plant has all cloudy trichs with 10-15% amber flush then give her a week longer and maybe the last day being in complete dark cut the stem before turning lights back on though...

ahh okay, i wasnt sure how long it took for the trichs to continue ambering up once they start, i definitly want more of a heavy body knock me out stone versus a head high, as i use this for sleep. but yeah ill have to read up a little. so i know what im looking for. i might have gotten the amber trichs percentage confused with the pistils colour changing,lol. i think i read somewhere that a mix of cloudy and amber is kind of the perfect balance., ill check out the link yous ent!
Uh almost but honestly Id aim for 20-30% amber Id think 50% is a bit to far along let alone 100%... when the trichomes are cloudy they are full of THC and as they degrade and amber it turns into CBN that gives you that body high and usually for a heavier body high people aim for 20-30% but id just recommend researching it as im unsure but I just personally think 50% is a bit to far along let alone 100%. To much degraded THC for my liking seems kinda pointless lol.

You dont want all amber you want generally all cloudy with anywhere from 5-30% amber depending on preference. The trichomes will start off clear then gradually turn cloudy then amber... youll see some amber trichs pretty early on but that doesnt mean much ill find amber trichs here and there mid flower. But id say once the plant has all cloudy trichs with 10-15% amber flush then give her a week longer and maybe the last day being in complete dark cut the stem before turning lights back on though...

i think i might even hvae it bookmarlked somewhere a great site i found that actually showed pictures of the changes in the trichs and what changes give what kind of high and stone, gotta try and find that again it was super informative. had real close up shots of what to look for and everything. ahhhh i just remembered it was on the website
ahh okay, i wasnt sure how long it took for the trichs to continue ambering up once they start, i definitly want more of a heavy body knock me out stone versus a head high, as i use this for sleep. but yeah ill have to read up a little. so i know what im looking for. i might have gotten the amber trichs percentage confused with the pistils colour changing,lol. i think i read somewhere that a mix of cloudy and amber is kind of the perfect balance., ill check out the link yous ent!

There's definitely some grower preference on when to harvest; personally I like to let all my plants go much longer than recommended and I let them amber up (because that's the meds we like.) Others will go 50/50, some 70/30, etc. One thing you can do is try taking a sample bud at different stages of trich and see if you notice a difference in the high; then you can decide how YOUR body reacts to the medicine that you want. Human physiology vastly effects how we individually react to cannabis.
There's definitely some grower preference on when to harvest; personally I like to let all my plants go much longer than recommended and I let them amber up (because that's the meds we like.) Others will go 50/50, some 70/30, etc. One thing you can do is try taking a sample bud at different stages of trich and see if you notice a difference in the high; then you can decide how YOUR body reacts to the medicine that you want. Human physiology vastly effects how we individually react to cannabis.

yeah im pretty low tolerance, i cant usually handle really heavy head highs, its like im super drunk everything starts spinning and i start to feel a little naseus, so i tend to prefer the heavy hitting body stones. that feeling like a weigh 500 pounds and can barely get off couch, and when my head hits the pillow im out cold. thats why ive always stayed from the sativa strains and always been pure indica. but the stuff ive been ordering online i tend to find even when indica hits me head a little to hard for my liking, so thats why i decided to try growing my own so i have more control over when i harvest. im going to assume that most commercially grown stuff is probably harvested at a half and half kind of stage i would assume.
ahh okay, i wasnt sure how long it took for the trichs to continue ambering up once they start, i definitly want more of a heavy body knock me out stone versus a head high, as i use this for sleep. but yeah ill have to read up a little. so i know what im looking for. i might have gotten the amber trichs percentage confused with the pistils colour changing,lol. i think i read somewhere that a mix of cloudy and amber is kind of the perfect balance., ill check out the link yous ent!

You definitely want 80-100% red hairs on the buds that have receded for sure. Though keep in mind some strains just dont redden up all the way until dry and cure. I harvested a strain with still 90% white hairs and come dry they all turned brown but on the other hand my special queens hairs would never redden during dry and cure what I had when I chopped is what I get the white hairs stay white. So it just varies some per plant. You shouldnt have that problem though ill bet almost all of yours will redden before chop.

The other user said they liked 50% amber so maybe aim for that but please do not aim for 100% the buds wont have shit thc! Lol have you considered growing CBD weed or anything like that since you dont prefer the head high CBD strains would be perfect.
well just a heads up to all following along on my grow, i just had some 1 gallon fabric pots arrive from a friend, so i decided to plant a sprout into it as a seperate side grow just to see how an auto does ina 1 gallon fabric pot,lol. i had originally germinated the seed in a 1 gallon plastic pot, but since the fabric pot came i just dug around the sprout pulled a plug of dirt and transplanted it into the fabric one. the seed just popped the soil last night so i dont think ill have any wories, if for some reason it does then ill just germ a new seed. but ill be continuing to update this thread as usual with my initial grow, but ill also now be including random updates on the 1 gallon grow. going to try and not make so many little mistakes with the 1 gallon. i know itll most likelt grow a smaller plant the the larget pot would, but i actually dont mind that.
also my loupe arrived today and i checked the trichs on my current grow and there looking mostly clear with some milky ones as well, so i definitly have some good time left before harvest.
Im just hoping the one gallon pot will be able to go a couple days between waterings in flower stage. if not then its going to be suffering for water a little as my job will now have me gone two days at a time during the week.
well just a heads up to all following along on my grow, i just had some 1 gallon fabric pots arrive from a friend, so i decided to plant a sprout into it as a seperate side grow just to see how an auto does ina 1 gallon fabric pot,lol. i had originally germinated the seed in a 1 gallon plastic pot, but since the fabric pot came i just dug around the sprout pulled a plug of dirt and transplanted it into the fabric one. the seed just popped the soil last night so i dont think ill have any wories, if for some reason it does then ill just germ a new seed. but ill be continuing to update this thread as usual with my initial grow, but ill also now be including random updates on the 1 gallon grow. going to try and not make so many little mistakes with the 1 gallon. i know itll most likelt grow a smaller plant the the larget pot would, but i actually dont mind that.
also my loupe arrived today and i checked the trichs on my current grow and there looking mostly clear with some milky ones as well, so i definitly have some good time left before harvest.
Im just hoping the one gallon pot will be able to go a couple days between waterings in flower stage. if not then its going to be suffering for water a little as my job will now have me gone two days at a time during the week.

Hey check this guide out