New Grower New grower - don’t think I have the right lights

This is day 6 now. When I planted I forgot to pre-soak the medium beforehand, so I’ve been misting her every now an then. I’m scared to soak the medium now as I’ve heard cases of rot, is that right, or should I give her a good soak?
My MarsTS600 comes tomorrow & I’m so exited!!!
Water a ring around it approx 3-4” from stem. This allows roots to search for water.
Sorry @Jpkindbud but I got to respectfully disagree with that… This is what MOG says about that and I wholeheartedly agree… I don’t water in a little ring anymore and my plants don’t seem to mind :shrug:

Copied from another thread here posted by MOG

“Watering in a little ring is a problem from a couple of stand points. First a cannabis tap root can grow 9 inches in just 3 days. The laterals are not far behind. Roots will not grow into dry soil they simply stop. This can stunt the plant. Second is if you dry the soil out too much it can get hydrophobic and the microbes that feed the plant will die or go dormant. Both of these potential problems are not good.

It has already been mentioned above but I will repeat:

What you need to learn about watering will come with practice. Here are the basic rules: Never let the soil dry out. Soil and or coco can become hydrophobic if allowed to dry. This means it repels water. This in turn will create dry pockets in the soil and the roots and microbes will die there. If your soil - coco have accidentally dried out use a surfactant to help re-wet it. I like yucca powder. Don't let soil remain soggy by watering too much too often. Root rot, damping off, molds, fungus gnats and other problems start in soggy soil. When you do water water the entire pot. How to learn when to water starts before you plant the seed. Fill your container with fresh soil/coco and weigh it (heft it) this is the lightest weight and consider it a dry pot. Now slowly water until the soil/coco will no longer absorb the water and run-off begins; weigh the pot (heft it) this is the maximum water, the wettest the pot can get. The difference between wettest and driest is the maximum water weight, for ease of explanation let’s just say the water weighs 20 pounds. When the pot loses 10 pounds (half of the water weight) it is time to water again. There is an art to watering.”
Add a drop of dish soap to ya feed to reduce hydrophobic crap....A simple moisture meter can and will teach ya something about watering much faster than a finger or scales.
I water my bags from the outside edge first. I slowly work toward the middle giving the water time to sub. The exact opposite of how I water our groves lol. I start my trees from the trunk & work outward to sub the salts away.
Afternoon lads (well it’s afternoon in the UK anyway) at what height should I be hanging my Mars 600 light?