New Grower New grower doing 2 DP Auto mazar

Ok tried the vinegar thing and no fizz it just sits there. I've unblocked the bottom of the pot and as I've changed a few things this week I will carry on and keep an eye on it to see if it starts to build again. Funny thing is that plant is the healthiest of the two!
It's great to be able to check these things out, so glad I found this place cheers everyone.
hey dude see you got your answer fungus hey never thought of that one just another tip get something to raise your pots off the floor I normally use a couple of old metal and plastic shelves keeps them off the ground or at a push wooden blocks (change the wood out now and then as they can attract mold) that's why I prefer the shelves )

lets air get under the pots :pass:

Sunday update.
Ok managed to get all of that fungus of No2 and have put a frame over the trays to lift them and provide better airflow.
Strangely No2 is 2 days younger and smaller but as you can see from the 3rd and 4th pics looks to be much healthier. No1 is growing fine and keeping its lead but still looking a bit pale in comparison.
Anyway I've upped the nute's a little to 1.5ml A/B, 2ml Boost and 0.75ml Calmag. They also got their weekly dose of Cannazyme yesterday as well.
Can't believe I've only been here a week and picked up so much information, keep saying it but you lot are class!
As always observations and pointers appreciated.
Have a great chilled Sunday fella's.
Hey fellas quick update, the fungus doesn't seem to be returning and they seem to be going good. Lights are out now so can't get a pic but they have put 80-100 mm on since Sunday afternoon.

On a different note I had some Blue Auto Mazza delivered today and plan to get one going on Sunday. It will be a 10l airpots again with coco and canna nute's. Should I run a weak nute solution through the coco before I drop the seed.
All suggestion welcome and tks..
Hey fellas quick update, the fungus doesn't seem to be returning and they seem to be going good. Lights are out now so can't get a pic but they have put 80-100 mm on since Sunday afternoon.

On a different note I had some Blue Auto Mazza delivered today and plan to get one going on Sunday. It will be a 10l airpots again with coco and canna nute's. Should I run a weak nute solution through the coco before I drop the seed.
All suggestion welcome and tks..
oh blue auto mazar did that on my last run nice smoke and yes run a week solution about 1/4 strength (1 ml per ltr) ph to around 5.8 and water in about a litre a pot a couple of days before you plant your seed :pass:
Cool that will be the A/B then, what about Rhizotonic not used it before but thought I might give it a go this time.
Cool that will be the A/B then, what about Rhizotonic not used it before but thought I might give it a go this time.
I use rhizotonic at 2 ml per ltr for the first few feedings then bump it up to 4 ml per ltr (full strength) seems to make the roots develop faster (I get mine for free from work) otherwise I would stick to 2 ml per litre if I was paying for it myself and it is alkali so it will put your ph up :pass: