New Grower New grower doing 2 DP Auto mazar

Hey mate do they perk back up after lights on? How do pots feel weight wise?
They feel ok but they have a chunk of plant on top now so not sure. At lights on last night they had 1200mm each, i cleared the runoff an hour later and the trays are dry. you think they could be sucking it all up?
Ok feel like a teenager who's mum found his wank mag slightly embarrassed so it's probably best to confess and get it over with!
Since I've been here 2 weeks now and obviously know everything I went to the hydro shop last weekend for some Rhizotonic to start my new grow. They didn't have any so the guy gave me a sample bottle of Botanica Rhizo Blast and said only use it for the first couple of weeks.
Sunday I prepared my airpot for the expected new arrival and then made a feed for the girls, thought hey they are doing ok why no give the roots a boost. I only put 1ml per litre in but it dropped the ph down to 3.9, brought it back up to 5.7 but did think wow strong stuff. Anyway suffice to say they didn't like it as its been down hill from there.
So after posting last night I decided to run some plain water through them and they have picked up a bit. My question is should I run the water again tonight or put them back on the pre Rhizo nute's, they are still growing and sucking the juice up.

The good news is the Auto BlueMazar entered the world overnight....


Oh, is this day 1 for the Blue or should I let her get those first proper leaves?
Yea i would have them back on the feed now mate, keep an eye on them after feeds. You should also consider getting some drip clean from house and garden. Its supposed help to prevent salt build up in the medium. Its expensive but you only need 1ml per 10 litres of water
And no more porn mags for you :crying:
Ok feel like a teenager who's mum found his wank mag slightly embarrassed so it's probably best to confess and get it over with!
Since I've been here 2 weeks now and obviously know everything I went to the hydro shop last weekend for some Rhizotonic to start my new grow. They didn't have any so the guy gave me a sample bottle of Botanica Rhizo Blast and said only use it for the first couple of weeks.
Sunday I prepared my airpot for the expected new arrival and then made a feed for the girls, thought hey they are doing ok why no give the roots a boost. I only put 1ml per litre in but it dropped the ph down to 3.9, brought it back up to 5.7 but did think wow strong stuff. Anyway suffice to say they didn't like it as its been down hill from there.
So after posting last night I decided to run some plain water through them and they have picked up a bit. My question is should I run the water again tonight or put them back on the pre Rhizo nute's, they are still growing and sucking the juice up.

The good news is the Auto BlueMazar entered the world overnight....

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Oh, is this day 1 for the Blue or should I let her get those first proper leaves?
duuude theres nothing wrong with trying new things from reading about it you should have used 1/4 ml per ltr max (1 us gallon +just under 4 ltrs) if your not sure always ask if your not sure on something always start at a low dose and work your way up but who am I to say anything I once had the idea when my girls started to flower to use full strength flowering nutes as you can guess that didn't go down well :rofl:
Well update time, They have both bounced back from the Rhizo Blast overdose quite well I think. The colour is back and they haven't stopped growing. Not sure how No2 is going to fair as that fungus keeps coming back and there is no way to get it all out from the bottom of the pot. Suppose I will just have to keep scraping it off and hope for the best. Perhaps I should get my lad to smoke a bit:smoking: who knows I might be on to the greatest thing since erm Weed!!!
Anyway an update is no good without pics..
