New Grower New grower doing 2 DP Auto mazar

Update time again, well it's day 47 in da house and it looks like they are getting to the end of the stretch. No1 has come down to 10mm per day (920mm) and No2 seems to have virtualy stopped at 585mm.
The tips of the leaves on No1 are showing signs of something! but the lower half of the plant is fine, could it be that it's not quite got over last weeks drama?
Anyhow I have reduced the Canna A/B from 2.5 to 2ml per litre and they are also getting 1ml CalMag, 4ml Canna Boost and 2ml Canna Rhizotonic. I'm giving them 1-1.5 litre's every day.
For the coming weeks I have Canna PK 13/14 and AN Overdrive in the box, all opinions on when, how much of these to use will be greatly appreciated

Hey dude looking great in here! I see canna recommends that the pk is only used for 1 week about midway through flowering. So for autos that would be about week 7.
I think overdrive is meant to used for the last couple of weeks before flush so during weeks 9 and 10.
You'll probably find your own schedule through trial and error. Good luck mate
Cheers Sang, think I will start the Pk at weekend so wk8 and if everything looks ok follow it with the overdrive for a couple of weeks. As you say I will work out my own style and that's the best way to learn. It's good to be able to put it out there and know you experienced fella's have any eye on me, gives a bit of confidence.

On a different note going to start a journal for the BlueMazar later, it will have a much better start than these two thanks to finding this site
Evening Fella's, well this growing lark is certainly interesting! Or maybe that should be frustrating
No1 is having a hard time but it's not stopped growing (1060mm) but it's fan leaves have been going yellow, brown just dead basically. I put it in the infirmary and I've possibly been over feeding it and got lockout. So gave it a good flush on Friday and a mild feed after, let the pot dry yesterday and it's had a feed today. Guess I'll just have to see how it reacts over the next couple of days

No2 this one isn't doing to bad, stretch has defiantly stopped and it's filling out noticeably, there is a bit of discolour but otherwise it seems to be on track for now. Oh well hopefully I can learn from these two and make a better job of little blue. Gotta say though I'm enjoying the experience and being part of AFN

Evening Fella's, well this growing lark is certainly interesting! Or maybe that should be frustrating
No1 is having a hard time but it's not stopped growing (1060mm) but it's fan leaves have been going yellow, brown just dead basically. I put it in the infirmary and I've possibly been over feeding it and got lockout. So gave it a good flush on Friday and a mild feed after, let the pot dry yesterday and it's had a feed today. Guess I'll just have to see how it reacts over the next couple of daysView attachment 529597View attachment 529599View attachment 529601
No2 this one isn't doing to bad, stretch has defiantly stopped and it's filling out noticeably, there is a bit of discolour but otherwise it seems to be on track for now. Oh well hopefully I can learn from these two and make a better job of little blue. Gotta say though I'm enjoying the experience and being part of AFN
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hey man see the yellow on the tips of your leaves that would suggest to strong a feed have you given her any pk yet and what strength is your feed :pass:
hey Wile I've cut the feed down a bit on no1, 2ml A/B, 2ml Rhizo, 1.5ml CalMag and 2ml Boost. No PK
No 2. 2 ml A/B, 2ml Rhizo, 1.5ml CalMag, 4ml Boost and 1.5ml PK but its the first time its had PK today
Hey @john0108 ,I had/have the same problem with the tips on one of my ultimates ,it's been like that since they were small,I thought I was over feeding at 800ppm so I lowered the strength,( this was at about 4 weeks),my plants ended up in the live help thread for help (for another issue) @Waira always has some sound plants got thru the issue even tho they are not perfect.. I have noticed this in a few more grow journals with the DP you have a meter to check ppm and PH?