New Grower New grow: Automazar in Colombia (Follow up)

Day 21: Sunny times


Hi Bros, im right now finishing my first grow, an Automazar from Dutch Passion. Only problem is that it got really shortie, but is OK being my first grow. I realized I made a couple of mistakes growing her:

1. Soil: I chosed a really bad soil for my plant because it retains too much water, it is very loamy, heavy, and therefore the roots dont breathe and dont grow. In conclusion, the plant stayed midget in part for this reason.

2. Light: During the first weeks I growed her, I did´nt realized that LED lights need to be close to the plant in order to have more efficiency. That´s another cause.

3. Realizing that the roots of my plant didn't breathe because of the bad soil, I made some holes in the pot, but I killed some roots in the process.