New Grower Second grow / second Automazar in Colombia

Day 26 (Sister's legs still blooming):

Ok I'm using Alg-A-Mic from Biobizz to recover her from the stress of cat attack. ¿Do you think she's doing good?

Right now she's eating Bio Grow from Biobizz.

During root stage she ate Rootbastic from ATAMI.
Bad Kitteh! She'll survive it, I'm surprised at how hardy & what big feeders auto mazars seem to be from seedlings. Mars Hydro 300w in coco & perlite.
Have 2 18 day olds- 1 smells already :)
Good luck!
Bad Kitteh! She'll survive it, I'm surprised at how hardy & what big feeders auto mazars seem to be from seedlings. Mars Hydro 300w in coco & perlite.
Have 2 18 day olds- 1 smells already :)
Good luck!
Can I see pictures of them? Thanks :biggrin:
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No worries dude, you showed me yours so i guess I will show you mine :D
I'l go take photos when they out of their dark period at midday- I only got 2, one was a tiny tiny seed in the packet & she has always been a tidge smaller.
I started growing this time last year, but was ill for 3 months- I'm still learning ,
I'm selling my house in an English-speaking country & moving to Catalonia Spain hopefully by early 2017 so I can grow on my terrace legally & attend the local 'cannabis clubs'- I bet it beats the pub scene by a mile! Cannabis isn't the only reason- but it's a good one LOL, the climate, the culture, the language
Sorry for jumping on your journal but I'm amazed at how hardy this strain is. Had ph runof probs (4.9) but once i corrected it up to 5.6 they took off 2 days ago. Yesterday they both grew 1.5 inches. I also transplanted 4 days ago to 11 ltr square pots - very carefully, but is still bad.
Im feeding according to canna feed chart. I use R.O. water so I add cal - mag & a little epsom salts as my tap water is 500ppm!
Have you seen this automazar full grow time lapse on youtube - just in case you haven't. Amazing :)
Peace! Pics to follow , buena suerte!
My phone is acting up, could only manage to email myself one pic. Day 19 - they need a feed too, but they are not too bad.

View media item 9161Born Aug 6th. In a 60 x 60 x 200 tent. but I have a spare hydroshoot 60 & another 300w light with 3w chip, current one has 5w
I'm starting to get a N , or cal or mag def there I can see from slight discolouration. Better go sort it out!
Just sorted out that Mg def there (i hope - i'll see within a day or 2), my runoff was 5.5/ 5.6 so slowly hand watered both with a low strength nute sol with epsom salts and cal mag @ 6.1 - now runoff is 6.1 in both pots. That took 2 hours, but I kinda enjoyed it, and it was crucial to nip it in the bud (excuse the pun)
Coco & Led & reverse osmosis water are a trifecta for Mg defencies. Was wondering why they hardly grew overnight - maybe .5 inch.
Hope your ladies doing well, and kitty-cat dosen't strike again!
Best wishes!
No worries dude, you showed me yours so i guess I will show you mine :D
I'l go take photos when they out of their dark period at midday- I only got 2, one was a tiny tiny seed in the packet & she has always been a tidge smaller.
I started growing this time last year, but was ill for 3 months- I'm still learning ,
I'm selling my house in an English-speaking country & moving to Catalonia Spain hopefully by early 2017 so I can grow on my terrace legally & attend the local 'cannabis clubs'- I bet it beats the pub scene by a mile! Cannabis isn't the only reason- but it's a good one LOL, the climate, the culture, the language
Sorry for jumping on your journal but I'm amazed at how hardy this strain is. Had ph runof probs (4.9) but once i corrected it up to 5.6 they took off 2 days ago. Yesterday they both grew 1.5 inches. I also transplanted 4 days ago to 11 ltr square pots - very carefully, but is still bad.
Im feeding according to canna feed chart. I use R.O. water so I add cal - mag & a little epsom salts as my tap water is 500ppm!
Have you seen this automazar full grow time lapse on youtube - just in case you haven't. Amazing :)
Peace! Pics to follow , buena suerte!

This video from Dutch Passion is Epic! Im never tired to see it. ¿Have you seen Biobizz food? You dont need to adjust PH because its organic. They say also that Automazars love silicium. I think its true. I use quartz to replace perlite because you dont find that here.