New Grower New, first grow

Girls are absolutely thriving. Sally's stalk is really thickening up. Ernestine is keeping pace stage-wise, is taller, with narrower leaves. She's always been half a day behind Sally and so I'm encouraged that she's developing well, but...

Thought that the Ernestine blemish was gone--and it may be--but now the area is a bumpy dark green and obviously responsible for the leaf bend. Thought it was galling but it's a lot more like edema in appearance, maybe exactly so. Shouldn't be any issue w/ pests, except for the 2 days (covered) outside. The leaf has developed like a lobster claw looking more like a genetic deformity (think a mole), and the color of the bump is a darker green of the plant. like this but only one in a single spot:

"Signs of edema plant disease vary between susceptible species, but often include bumps, blisters or water-soaked areas on the undersides of leaves. These areas may expand and become corky, but in other plants, curling and distortion are common."


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Day 15 1/2 and Sally is really bushing out while Ernestine continues to spread in her own slimmer way. Really think the edema is just a deformed leaf. Numbers are changing. Yesterday the PPM were 216 and today they're 206--first time these have dropped so I'll make new nute solut with same 20 ml each part, as we started with, and the last week of the seedling stage. (Had changed out 2 1/4 gallon water 1st time cuz nutes were too high but think now they'll use it.) Gonna snap pics while they're out under normal light.
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Water change was ok enuf apart f/ a coupla drops splashing leaves wh/ I quickly got off. Nutes are 235 PPM and water temp about 70 F. Have a frozen water bottle ready to keep it there. Figure the drip system will stay another week cuz Ernestine 3 Bears is still catchin up Sally CDLC root-wise. These were nice and white and I won't be able to take them out again. Pics below and show the little deformity on Ernestine.

Water change was ok enuf apart f/ a coupla drops splashing leaves wh/ I quickly got off. Nutes are 235 PPM and water temp about 70 F. Have a frozen water bottle ready to keep it there. Figure the drip system will stay another week cuz Ernestine 3 Bears is still catchin up Sally CDLC root-wise. These were nice and white and I won't be able to take them out again. Pics below and show the little deformity on Ernestine.

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it'z not at all uncommon for the first 2 or 3 setz of leavez to look a bit "weird" while the plant is gettin settled in & is nothin to worry bout :thumbsup: ppp
Thanks 420. And thx for checkin. Also lowered lights again by 2" to 24" where they're supposed 2 b for veg stage. Tryin to get them 2 eat more light w/ a slightly increased nute.
When temps were high the AC was on a lot keeping the basement and the water cool, but lately and coming on end of summer these temps are around 73.5 F and so decided to go ahead and use the hydroguard. Reviews are good and it's not limited to use for high water temps, but for general root welfare. (And in a week the water pump comes out wh/ will help water temps.) Two ml/gal as prescribed. Only other thing we got early on is the cal-mag+ but the plants are doin so well w/ nutes that I don't dare risk using either unnecessarily or detrimentally. This nute solut is also w/ de-chloriminated water. So little changes and hopefully they'll like everything.
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PPM are 235 from the original higher 260 PPM new nute solut, so girls are eating well and maybe sumthin to do also w/ new lowered light height at 24" though it could also be in response to the Hydroguard? Hmm... Temp is 71 and would like to keep it there. May require ice bottle tomorrow. They look great.
Thanks Wetwood. A little hard to sleep though. It'll be nice to have a few grows under our belt.

Opened the tent before the lights come back on, and 3 Bears was drooping her 2d set of leaves and they had moisture on them. None on CDLC so it's from having touched the drip ring. Also noticed that the side cross-vent. fan was only active across the CDLC b/c when the intake/exhaust fans go off w/ the light it changes the dynamic. One more thing to adjust before bed time. And the PPM is holding steady at 240 and water temp 71 F so all good. PH check. Will see the leaves perk up w/ the light no doubt and it's pretty remarkable how responsive 3 Bears is to the environment, while CDLC just keeps on bushing.
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