New Grower New, first grow

Hi 420. Thanks for followin my grow all this time. Figured if I was steppin too wrong I'd hear sumthin so it definitely helps.
Sorry I've had my terms wrong throughout. I thought the first set of leaves over the cotyledon were false leaves. Dunno why I did that, so it's the first set of true leaves well-established and the second set of these that are growing out. Duh :shrug:
Workin my way through your journal. I'll be doin NL next (Nirvana). Most excellent, specially the pics.
Day 13 (from beginning of germination--not sure how to count but seems many begin at soil sprout, so day 8?). Finished 420's journal to page 18/day 35 or so, just at that darkening pistil stage, when sumthin happened there. Everything just turned on a dime. It's scary actually. Our grows are pretty identical except for the medium. Small space, 2 plants, one thriving and the other straggling. So I took a better look at my straggler Ernestine.

She's always been darker than Sally, but also stiffer and half the time a bit droopy. Did some lookin and it could be nitrogen toxicity caused by not enuf light. I've lowered the lights to 26" wh/ is hardly a big deal to many folk, but I'm always erring on the side of caution. Nutes were good again holdin steady at 200 ppm and PH right on. Water temp a warm 72 so gotta keep basement door closed a bit more to let those temps stay low. What a dance. Also think I spy some tiny brown spots (2) on the small second leaves but hard to say. Made some filtered water to get chloramines out and sure enuf there was white powder residue inside buckets from the Vit C treatment I'd been usin, showin that it wasn't workin any longer.

Thought I was gonna get to coast soon, but after seein what happened to 420, doubt I'll ever get a minute to relax. Wish he'd post some pics and show the nutes and cal-mag workin. Teresa and Harli were fukn awesome.
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It's only been an hour with the lights closer and Ernestine has already responded with her tips flattening up and level. She's our canary in the coal mine I suppose and I'm glad for that as it keeps me on my toes. And got a better look w/ the magnifying glass--there's definitely the beginning of the slightest browning edges on her new, tiny second leaves. Water change isn't due for another coupla 3 days but it's waitin just in case. Nice thing about DWC is I can do a flush first then add nutes a day later. Theory goes that w/o sufficient light she can't use all her N. Best guess right now. Good ol Sally is fine w/ whatever. Man she looks great.
Day 13 (from beginning of germination--not sure how to count but seems many begin at soil sprout, so day 8?). Finished 420's journal to page 18/day 35 or so, just at that darkening pistil stage, when sumthin happened there. Everything just turned on a dime. It's scary actually. Our grows are pretty identical except for the medium. Small space, 2 plants, one thriving and the other straggling. So I took a better look at my straggler Ernestine.

She's always been darker than Sally, but also stiffer and half the time a bit droopy. Did some lookin and it could be nitrogen deficiency caused by not enuf light. I've lowered the lights to 26" wh/ is hardly a big deal to many folk, but I'm always erring on the side of caution. Nutes were good again holdin steady at 200 ppm and PH right on. Water temp a warm 72 so gotta keep basement door closed a bit more to let those temps stay low. What a dance. Also think I spy some tiny brown spots (2) on the small second leaves but hard to say. Made some filtered water to get chloramines out and sure enuf there was white powder residue inside buckets from the Vit C treatment I'd been usin, showin that it wasn't workin any longer.

Thought I was gonna get to coast soon, but after seein what happened to 420, doubt I'll ever get a minute to relax. Wish he'd post some pics and show the nutes and cal-mag workin. Teresa and Harli were fukn awesome.

wow, thx for all the namedroppin :biggrin: don't worry, u'll be fine as long as ya feed em, like i didn't do... :rofl: :doh: anyhoo, darker green is uzually indicative of N tox, not def...jus sayin... ;) ppp
Yeah, N toxicity. Dunno why I said deficiency. She's respondin well to closer light.

So what happened? I mean, was it salvageable? Goin to yer journal in case you updated. Got it. Guess you'll know soon enuf. Peace
End of day 13 f/ germ. Made myself not peek all day yesterday, so am relieved this morn. The light move to 26" has worked--the dark 3 Bears has gone to the same nice green of the CDLC and w/o praying. Both are shooting their 3d leaf pairs and the differences b/t the 2 strains are really noticeable. The CDLC is gonna be squat and bushy, the 3 Bears less so. Readings show 205 PPM and temp of 71 F. Water's 7 days old but can go longer at this early stage, wh/ will let me wait til they're better established b4 change-out. Figure another 3-5 days. Still binging on time-lapsed Youtube videos of other grows. Our invite to the annual star party we'll have to forego...ah the responsibilities of parenting.

Oh, and the rust spots on one edge and tip of the 3 bears 2d leaf set have all but disappeared. :baby:
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Officially commencin 3d week, day 15, and the 2d set of leaves are clearly 3-lobed on both. 3 Bears absolutely lovin the new light height and she's same color as Sally. Nute solut is 207 PPM wh/ can be attributed to evaporation, temp 71 F and res can be topped off maybe a quart. Absolutely no brown/rust remaining on Ernestine's weird leaf, but rather some scarring? That leaf is a lil bent like a nail right where the discoloration was, like there'd been sum kinda injury. Will try to get a pic. Sally is so squat and bushy (gonna be) that I wonder whether I shouldn't try to induce some stretch, even tho the ScrOG is only set at 9 inches. (Just remembered sum1 else's similar concern and 420 reminded them that most of the growth is still takin place underneath. Chill dude.)
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