Frenjamin Banklin
Hello is this thing on
PPM is holding beautifully at 240, but water temps are up to 73 so I put the frozen water bottle in the res. Guess I'll be looking into the aquarium chiller after all, wh/ kinda sucks given the small res, but knowing that bein a small res has its own problems/challenges/vulnerabilities. Oh, and 3 Bears Ernestine absolutely loves the lowered light--soaring again like a bird riding thermals. Of course Sally couldn't care less. She's growing/thriving no matter what.
Well in the 20 minutes it took to thaw the ice bottle, the temp dropped 2 degrees. So it'll require 2 or 3 in succession, to get to 69 hopefully, and then how long until it needs to be done again? (The res. is insulated but...) Since the water pump is coming out in a week maybe I'll just do this, at least for the 1st grow to see how we get on.
Just for reference my reservoirs have been at 82 degrees Fahrenheit for my entire grow. 12 weeks never changed running Southern Ag fungicide for its beneficial bacteria. Molasses’s and all sorts of crap in there but no problems with growth or root rot. Not suggesting anything but just mentioning that temps aren’t always something to get super worried about.