New Grower New Alaskan Autos

Hell yeah! Okay, so I'll blend it all together with the total volume of promix before I get rollin'. Except the hydrocorn of course. I add a couple tablespoons of lime as a top dressing if the runoff pH is too low typically 5.5, which happens sometimes with organics. My ground water is 6.9 to start. The azomite, shrimp meal, and langbeinite provide a fair amount of calcium and magnesium. I've never had a problem with mold, the humidity is usually very low around here. There are many native species of spidermite in Alaska though and they can become an ongoing battle at times. Neem can be brutal. I'll do some research on prices and shipping on the frass, kanja cake, and rosemary extract to assess application.
sweet man. ya other than make sure it breaths a little more than a photo but like an extra gallon of perlite or coco for example and if your worried again plug it a little deeper is all with plain seedling mix or how ya like starting super sensitive seeds and voila.i see a killer grow man.awesome.cant wait to see it.
What should I expect for germination? I always soak my photoperiod beans for 24 hours in a shotglass of water. Occasionally poking them with a finger tip to encourage them to sink. I've never waited for them to actually sprout a root. I always put them in a Jiffy peat nugget in a red solo cup with a clear solo cup taped to the top(blue paper tape). Sometimes they sprout within 24hrs. sometimes within a few days. I only discount a bean after about a week. But I've had beans sprout as long as two weeks later after the peat nugget was crumbled into the compost bin(summertime obviously). How should I go about sprouting these little monsters? Same method then plug the peat nugget into my end-game medium once it sprouts? I planned on running the 5 gallon buckets in my veg chamber for the first week(24hr. light). The veg chamber has six 4ft. dual-bulb t-12 fixtures, four are vertically mounted, two are mounted length-wise on chains from the ceiling. The bulbs are a Daylight Deluxe(6500k) alternated with a Plant & Aquarium(2700k) in each fixture. It does a great job vegging the photoperiods and has a pretty even distribution of light. Makes some pretty bushy plants as they are always going sideways as well as up. And it's alot easier to keep the temp down than a 400w MH. I was thinking, after I did more reading on here and a book that I ordered, if I veg them in such fair conditions for a week(consistent 77f, 24hr. light, mellow breeze), then throw them into Alaskan summer with fairly extreme high and lows will that cause them to go into flower relatively quickly?
these are what I like.20 hours or 24 is ok but if it cracks Id personally take it well before 24 hours and use a seedling mix. dig out a large enough hole for your fist to fit in and fill it with seedling mix.peat plugs are good as you know,but imho id stick to a form thats easier and takes far less energy ,so when it dont get hung up it wont loose those few early days when development is can take from you each day its slowed for whatever reason. so thats why i dont use those or any form like it. free ballin it all the way man LOL! t 12's are fine for early germing and heat but after that saaay, 3 days or so once theyre well established,maybe 4 days then swap to a 6500K T5.thats what I like anyways. 77F is fine man! good air flow middle humidity is fine.just spritz them a cpl times or more daily(3), and touch to water off with a Q tip and voila.perfect auto sprout.ilike tooth picks for husks and tweezers along with a spray bottle but to each hos own ofcourse.

oh i never bug the seeds.80F water in a small container or glass in the dark n checked in 12 16 and 18 intervals then to soil once it says hello there.i routinely get good genetics up in lees than 2 days.often times i have them up in less than 24 believe it or not. but no more than 4 days or its luck of the draw and a slight bit weaker usually,but ofcourse there is always the exception at times. but usually thats what I see. small ever so slight variations but to me they're there man. that got ya? oh ppl do tier plant.i personally dont like it but Im lazy.but yeah off with the ass of the cup and use seedling mix and voila.bury the cup easily and about half way or so. poof. instant awesome.

small pill containers or similar with a lid too LOL nifty man.
one last thing,the lighting cycles.imho 18/6 is best from sprout to the plants the needed rest and ability to gain the energy needed to do its thing more naturally than pushed falsely (as it were) too too much.but you can do 24 if ya like.ppl do that but there plants generally speaking ,are burnt out from exhaustion.but i personally wouls say 20 hours at sprout and when the second set of leaves starts shwing kick it back to 19 or even 18.and if youve mixed your soil prolly a 40 % of full strength just to be safe.heres to harvesting beautiful buds man.
Hmm. I have to wait until the night time temp in the greenhouses can remain a steady 50f anyway. Maybe I should just start them outdoors entirely, and put a double bubble on them by placing a clear cutoff juice jug over each seedling. That way I won't have to worry about hardening them to sunlight, and they'll get a little extra protection. I'll make a trip into town and pick up seedling mix this weekend for a conical insert of soil in the center of the mixed medium, say 3" in diameter and 5" deep?