Outdoor New Alaskan Autos Mk.II

Day Two for those popped:

Stardust 1

Stardust 2

Stardust 3

Stardust 4

Jock Horror Auto 2

Day Zero for straggler:

Jock Horror Auto 1
Had my wife gently expose the seedling with her finger. These ogre meat hooks would have only broken the poor thing, impatience has caused this before. Can't rush nature, she's on her own course. It is progressing. But it had only just cracked its bean when the others had rootlets and were ready, so it got planted.

The soil mix is set up like cake or a sponge perhaps and I haven't had to water since I flushed before planting. I let them out of thier moisture domes for the warm part of the day, for about six hours, to get some fresh air. Now the sun has rolled over to the far side of the sky so I have replaced thier domes before night comes to protect them from the potential cold. I am excited for the potential here. Smoke without an electric bill is a win-win. I'm already dreaming of running Flash Cobra with Moon Tears next summer. We shall see.

/edit I had read that many growers on here give up on a bean after the third or fourth day. Is this impatience or experience in practice?
End of day 3 for most of them. Not much to report, some stem elongation and thickening. The leaves have expanded a little. Still day zero for the other Jock Horror. If it hasn't done anything by Sunday I'll germinate another bean.

What do you guys think about me using some heavily diluted Hormex in the first watering? I read that you mentioned using a little root hormone for the first few weeks, pathway. You think Hormex would work? I have a bottle and use that stuff on new fruit tree or berry bush transplants in early summer.
I'm not sure mate, I'm not familiar with that product but it sounds like it could be strong stuff. There are lots of horticultural seaweed extract based products that will work, that are cheaper than the canna specific ones. You could even make a nice free organic root stimulant by using willow twigs cut up and soaked in water if you can get them. Google willow water :thumbsup:
My yard is full of willow of various species. My pops has talked about willow water before. Did you know on the North Slope, Alaska there is a willow tree that only grows to about one inch tall?