Outdoor New Alaskan Autos Mk.II

Jock Horror Auto 1: Gently moved seedling with a tiny twig. Root ended in a blunted terminus. Germinating Black Stone auto fem.
Day 5:


Stardust 1


Stardust 2


Stardust 3


Stardust 4


Jock Horror Auto

A little more stem elongation and leaf expansion. Temps have been pretty good, starting to warm up at night and the vents are keeping up with the daytime highs on hot days.


Stardust 3 size reference.


Pulled out the water thermal trap today.
Probably a bit of both lol. IME it's worth giving them a chance, slow germination is not a great sign but the hare doesn't always win the race.
I plant real shallow in pot, keep misted, and wait. 3 to 6 days is usual for me. No show on day 6 I scratch around, if not happening I replant
Yeah, these ones were planted at maybe 1/2". Soil is very loose but spongey. That one germinated much more slowly than the others while in the water cannisters. The seed casing came off the cotyledons after planting but the rootlet had a strange blunted end. Not sure what went on there. Oh, well. This Black Stone is a sinker already so I expect to see a little root poking out by tomorrow or so.
Black Stone is ready to rock and roll! Planted her.

Day 7:
The others have stretched a little more, first leafset has expanded more, and second leafset is observable on Stardust 3 & 4. Second leafset is little more than a compact node on all other specimen despite 1/2" increase in stem length and 1/4" increase in first leafset length. All previously planted specimen seem to be at an almost identical benchmark of development. Stardust 3 & 4 seem to be exemplary specimen of that strain in regards to vigor. Given the amount of "shadow" created by the double layer opaque poly sheeting, LST will be absolutely necessary.

How do most growers quantify day 1? I've seen a handful of "Day 1" photos that look a hell of a lot more like day 5's. I've been popping beans for fifteen years, and to my mind Day 1 is when you can see cotyledons breaking soil.
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Query: What is the probability that the seeds generated from this trial will have to be flowered under a controlled environment? I.e. What is the probability that the offspring will be autoflower? 50/50? 60/40? 80/20? 90/10?

/edit Should I just order more Stone and place an order for Mephisto for future breeding trials?
Black Stone is ready to rock and roll! Planted her.
View attachment 574103

Day 7:
The others have stretched a little more, first leafset has expanded more, and second leafset is observable on Stardust 3 & 4. Second leafset is little more than a compact node on all other specimen despite 1/2" increase in stem length and 1/4" increase in first leafset length. All previously planted specimen seem to be at an almost identical benchmark of development. Stardust 3 & 4 seem to be exemplary specimen of that strain in regards to vigor. Given the amount of "shadow" created by the double layer opaque poly sheeting, LST will be absolutely necessary.

How do most growers quantify day 1? I've seen a handful of "Day 1" photos that look a hell of a lot more like day 5's. I've been popping beans for fifteen years, and to my mind Day 1 is when you can see cotyledons breaking soil.
depends on when you start counting, day one for me is when I put the seed in the pot, for me that's when the grow begins, so your day one could be my day five