Outdoor New Alaskan Autos Mk.II

Day 11:

Stardust 1 Reg


Stardust 2 Reg


Stardust 3 Reg


Stardust 4 Reg


Jock Horror Auto Fem

Day 2:

Black Stone Fem

Got busy with a BBQ shindig yesterday and forgot to take a Day 1 photo of the Black Stone. A friend dropped by with a five pack of photoperiod Cindarella's Escape(Mindscape x Cindarella 99 BX) beans bred by 907 Seeds, right here in Alaska! He picked it up at the Northwest Cannabis Classic while he was in Anchorage. He also dropped me off two each of Emerald Triangle's Blueberry Headband Auto Fem and Royal Purple Kush Auto Fem. Feeling the good ganj karma right now.

High of 90f, low of 44f. Might need to water for the first time, tomorrow-ish, if this warm weather continues. Already some observable variations in the Stardust specimen. Stardust 1 is a bit stretchier than the others and has more deeply serrated leaf margins. Stardust 4 is the most compact of that seedset. Jock Horror is falling behind her sisters in development slightly, cause unknown, may be an early expression of her longer lifespan. The Black Stone is just a wee babe so, aside from her vigor thus far, no real noteworthy observations as of yet.

/edit Note to self: Need a better digital camera.
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I'd still love to see you guys try a super auto or ultra early finisher photo in a greenhouse. I think it could be epic!
Been thinking of super autos, start early in window then move to greenhouse, gonna give it a go next time. Do you have experience with super autos?
I've been LSTing my Jock Horror - so its still a bit pinned to the ground, but it seems pretty vigorous and kept up with the other girls - it would be the tallest of my plants I think if it weren't pegged down (dunno about the stones tho' they are fast weird and interesting) I have a dwarf pheno Duurty Magic that someone should def. isolate as a sub-strain for micro-growers haha.

@Jraven " I've got one tree that no one wants to cut down shading my sunroom in the morning for 2-3 hours".

You could prune it yourself, stepladder n saw or choose one of my more radical options...
Chainsaw - takes about one min from motor up - dress in black and ring the tree at night (a cut all the way round the bark about 3/4 inch deep) - then leg it.
Go digging for its roots on your side of the property I'm assuming its not on yours - scrape them roots open with a rough saw and dump in the glyphosate.

Result either way is dead tree..... (oh I can feel the Hippy Vengeance Incoming) :(

Now before anyone gets all how cruel...organic, or treehuggin'

Let me say our garden is a large open shared space which has been plagued by self seeded large 20m high cherry trees (=1m+ per year growth). All of which aren't on our property but are right on the border and it only takes a couple of objecting neighbours (between about 50 all around the various gardens involved) to stop ANYTHING being done to prune them to stop a south facing garden turning into woodland... and i'm still battling this after 20 years - I go for the roots myself and hang the organics and the tree... it gets real sick pretty quick (big trees just get sick and can survive multiple attempts at abuse btw - but eventually neighbours will say yer we should cut that one down). Even offering to pay for the whole job doesn't work and neither do landlords who obviously don't care...

But if it's only small, offer to prune it 1st before you head out into the night with the weedkiller (btw use it concentrated ignore the dilution instructions and just get in there).

I feel all guilty now - as a gardener, allotment, and weed grower.... but i'm still surrounded by fookin trees lol.
Man, it's even worse. This one is part of the "ambience" both in the house and my wifes studio. Still I think it's just a matter of time. We took out a couple others already without any regrets, except now we need more ventilation:-) . Actually, pruning may not be a bad idea.
I don't mind all the trees on our property. Good privacy and wildlife. Do whatcha gotta do, though.

I'd still love to see you guys try a super auto or ultra early finisher photo in a greenhouse. I think it could be epic!

My pops tried like hell to grow outdoor photos for most of his twenties. Lots of decent joint material, but no kind buds, he said. He said in those days they didn't really know the difference yet, just picked out the stems and seeds and rolled 'em up. Lightcycle is all wrong here for photos.