Outdoor New Alaskan Autos Mk.II

I agree in fall when light gets shorter it does so fast....and gets too cold fast to finish the plants off. Have grown some monsters

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My grandmother and grandfather used to live in the Mat-Su valley years ago, when my gramps was a state trooper. She said they used to plant them in trash cans, use the summer as a free veg cycle, chop down the boys in August, and roll them in to a barn on yard carts, finishing them under 1000w MH. That was the best light they had at the time. It was 1960's pre-prohibition Alaska at the time. At one point gramps brewed a big batch of ale from barley, hops, and cannabis. He called it "This Buds For You" and put a small flower in each bottle before cellaring.

edit/ One crop a year. My grams was big on "Christmas Buds" and by the time I was a late teenager there were always tiny wrapped fun things in my stocking. Nugs, pipes, whip-its, peyote, shrooms. Grams was a f*ck!ng riot. Of course by the time I was growing up their orchard days were long over.
My grandmother and grandfather used to live in the Mat-Su valley years ago, when my gramps was a state trooper. She said they used to plant them in trash cans, use the summer as a free veg cycle, chop down the boys in August, and roll them in to a barn on yard carts, finishing them under 1000w MH. That was the best light they had at the time. It was 1960's pre-prohibition Alaska at the time. At one point gramps brewed a big batch of ale from barley, hops, and cannabis. He called it "This Buds For You" and put a small flower in each bottle before cellaring.

edit/ One crop a year. My grams was big on "Christmas Buds" and by the time I was a late teenager there were always tiny wrapped fun things in my stocking. Nugs, pipes, whip-its, peyote, shrooms. Grams was a f*ck!ng riot. Of course by the time I was growing up their orchard days were long over.
good story Enki
I'm a third generation Alaskan grower. When my grams passed away my mom and pops gave me half of her old seed stash. I tried like hell and germinated several, many were duds. They found them in grams' stuff and nobody knows how old they are. They are their own breeding group. I was thinking of naming some of the strains after her and my aunt(her daughter) who also has passed away.
Good stuff Enki, lmfao whip-its in your stocking. Man that's right about photo s the quality of the light just goes to hell toward the end even in the solarium.
I must fire down a max rep shot for those awesome grow stories! Thanks for sharing!

@trailanimal - I have not tried a super auto yet. If I had a good sized veg room I would grow under 24 hours for 3 months and put it outside on june the 1st and pull a good sized harvest really early.

Edit- Darn...must go give out rep somewhere first...will be back!
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Day 14:

Stardust 1


Stardust 2


Stardust 3


Stardust 4


Jock Horror Auto

Day 5:

Black Stone

High 86f, low 43f. The stretchy Stardust have already taken to leaning. Will begin gently covering their stems with medium once they gain a little more girth. Still impressed by Black Stones density and vigor. She looks small in the photo, but that is a mighty sprout, second true leafset development visible before first set has even had a chance to unfurl.

/edit The reflected orange hue of the 5 gallon buckets give the Stardusts an unhealthy look. They all look great in person except for Stardust 1 that seems to have a little funkiness going on. Not sure if it is the wide temperature range from day/night or the beginnings of a nute burn or deficiency. None of the other specimen are exhibiting that curliness to the leaves.

On another note, something growers(of all plants) up here can immediately observe outdoors: The sunlight up here is virtually sideways. Unless you live in the magic that is the Matanuska-Susitna valley, or the Tanana valley, things tend to grow a bit sideways, literally. There are very rarely ever UV indexes up here. In high summer(around mid-June), the sun seemingly rolls around one side of the sky, barely dipping to the horizon. Some days you can see the moon, plain as day, chillin' in the sky opposite the sun, usually in winter.
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