Outdoor New Alaskan Autos Mk.II

I'm a third generation Alaskan grower. When my grams passed away my mom and pops gave me half of her old seed stash. I tried like hell and germinated several, many were duds. They found them in grams' stuff and nobody knows how old they are. They are their own breeding group. I was thinking of naming some of the strains after her and my aunt(her daughter) who also has passed away.
heirloom seeds
What a cheery lot of doom mongers - it's going to be a lovely warm sunny summer and we'll all be putting away the wellie boots and snow shoes. Smoking weed and enjoying late summer BBQs all round - they call it global warming - after harvest it will all go tits up as America wakes up to Donald Trump, the Brits are dealing with Boris Johnson to negotiate with the EU having voted narrowly to leave - and I... well I will be putting the house on the market and looking at our options in Spain :D
Day 17:


Stardust 1



Stardust 2



Stardust 3



Stardust 4



Jock Horror Auto (She got a bit topheavy so now she's leaning on a little piece of black twist-tie)

Day 8:


Black Stone

High 77f, low 44f. Maybe another week before I begin the LST.


Overcast today, sorry about the dim photos.

This is tough, because normally this would be the stage that I would prune the apical node off a photo seedling. I will follow you guys' advice, however. I'm of the opinion that had I not pruned that Blueberry Headband Auto last fall it would have produced more.

/edit What do you guys think? And do these seem to be developing a bit slowly to you? I guess in a way it's good that I planted them a bit early. I think next year I'm going to start them inside, under fluoros, so they can avoid the crazy temp swings of the early season. Lesson learned, there.
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Day 17:
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Stardust 1

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Stardust 2

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View attachment 578945
Stardust 3

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View attachment 578947
Stardust 4

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View attachment 578949
Jock Horror Auto (She got a bit topheavy so now she's leaning on a little piece of black twist-tie)

Day 8:
View attachment 578950
View attachment 578951
Black Stone

High 77f, low 44f. Maybe another week before I begin the LST.

View attachment 578957
Overcast today, sorry about the dim photos.

This is tough, because normally this would be the stage that I would prune the apical node off a photo seedling. I will follow you guys' advice, however. I'm of the opinion that had I not pruned that Blueberry Headband Auto last fall it would have produced more.

/edit What do you guys think? And do these seem to be developing a bit slowly to you? I guess in a way it's good that I planted them a bit early. I think next year I'm going to start them inside, under fluoros, so they can avoid the crazy temp swings of the early season. Lesson learned, there.
What up bro. They def have slow growth rate out side. Especially because of the cold night temps.
I start my inside 3 weeks before I put outside. Once they show sex its on like donkey Kong.... [emoji41]
I've come to the conclusion that even with my solarium I still need to start in some sort of seed starter environment. Next year lmao...Now that I'm no longer worried about transplanting autos I'm going to get a light of some kind i can get about a dozen solo cups under. I've had ridiculous, even comical amounts of seedling stretch in the solarium, more than I've seen from starting in a window.