Outdoor New Alaskan Autos Mk.II

I've come to the conclusion that even with my solarium I still need to start in some sort of seed starter environment. Next year lmao...Now that I'm no longer worried about transplanting autos I'm going to get a light of some kind i can get about a dozen solo cups under. I've had ridiculous, even comical amounts of seedling stretch in the solarium, more than I've seen from starting in a window.

That is exactly why I included a yardstick in these photos, they're turning into crazy-tall bean-poles! They look healthy enough, but it is as if they know damn well there are easily another 90 days of decent grow time in their current environment. All of the Stardusts have observable branch nodes already. I still think the Black Stone will outshine them all, that thing is probably twice as thick of stem as any photo bean I've popped with exception to maybe Skunk #1.
Called in some backup. Meet the reinforcements: Autoflower Portal Moonstone regulars under fluoros in my photo veg room. 24hr light, 6500k, 2700k, & "full spectrum" Aqueon. Medium is an identical Promix blend in fabric pots. Variable 80f to 86f, variable 35% to 60% humidity.

Day 1:


Moonstone 1


Moonstone 2


Moonstone 3

These are an insurance policy. Just in case the regular sex Flash genetics either do not auto or do not produce a male. This is a result of a conversation that trailanimal and I had. I can fertilize female plants without ruining my smoke. In order to move forward with my breeding plans I need to be able to make a handful of beans with each female in this grow cycle. My gut tells me to trust Stone.

Today one of my friends, a close friend I have had since highschool, dropped a soapstone pipe I carved when I was sixteen. His name was Baphomet. My grandmother gave me the blank and let me carve it with her tools. It is a strange and sad event. I am more sad than angry.

/edit Going to miss you buddy, he always did love eating the "Devil's Lettuce."
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Today one of my friends, a close friend I have had since highschool, dropped a soapstone pipe I carved when I was sixteen. His name was Baphomet. My grandmother gave me the blank and let me carve it with her tools. It is a strange and sad event. I am more sad than angry.

/edit Going to miss you buddy, he always did love eating the "Devil's Lettuce."
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ahhh man. that's a bummer. sorry dude.
Day 17:
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Stardust 1

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Stardust 2

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Stardust 3

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Stardust 4

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Jock Horror Auto (She got a bit topheavy so now she's leaning on a little piece of black twist-tie)

Day 8:
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Black Stone

High 77f, low 44f. Maybe another week before I begin the LST.

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Overcast today, sorry about the dim photos.

This is tough, because normally this would be the stage that I would prune the apical node off a photo seedling. I will follow you guys' advice, however. I'm of the opinion that had I not pruned that Blueberry Headband Auto last fall it would have produced more.

/edit What do you guys think? And do these seem to be developing a bit slowly to you? I guess in a way it's good that I planted them a bit early. I think next year I'm going to start them inside, under fluoros, so they can avoid the crazy temp swings of the early season. Lesson learned, there.

being relatively new to growing, i'm trying to look at as many grows as i can (both indoor and outdoor) to get an idea of where I'm at. it's amazing to see the difference in rates of development between my outdoorers and what's being raised under lights. they seem to be about two or three times as big as my little ladies. still as the saying goes 'good things come in small packages' - actually, that's bullshit aint it. we're men. we want the biggest packages possible!! i'm definitely going to start saving for a couple of leds! :woody:
Day 21: Stress training begins.

Stardust 1


Stardust 2


Stardust 3


Stardust 4


Jock Horror Auto

Day 12:

Black Stone

High 82f, low 45f.
/edit Note: Stems were very flexible, strong enough to sustain the stress training without folding. Each bend took about three minutes to slowly lower them down and adjust the point of pressure from the rubber coated wire onto the stem. Applied approximately 1cup water to each specimen, from bubble bucket. Water is pH 6.8 Alaskan well water 0.5 micron filtered. Minimal to nonexistent presence of naturally occuring arsenic. Relatively high in iron and manganese. Conditioned in clean, 30gal. rubbermaid hdpe trash can with two aquarium aerators.
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Day 22:


Stardust 1


Stardust 2


Stardust 3
She got a bit of a kink to her. I wondered why she got a touch wilty last night. She's perked up today.


Stardust 4


Jock Horror Auto

Day 13:

Black Stone
Day 17:
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Stardust 1

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Stardust 2

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Stardust 3

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Stardust 4

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Jock Horror Auto (She got a bit topheavy so now she's leaning on a little piece of black twist-tie)

Day 8:
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Black Stone

High 77f, low 44f. Maybe another week before I begin the LST.

View attachment 578957
Overcast today, sorry about the dim photos.

This is tough, because normally this would be the stage that I would prune the apical node off a photo seedling. I will follow you guys' advice, however. I'm of the opinion that had I not pruned that Blueberry Headband Auto last fall it would have produced more.

/edit What do you guys think? And do these seem to be developing a bit slowly to you? I guess in a way it's good that I planted them a bit early. I think next year I'm going to start them inside, under fluoros, so they can avoid the crazy temp swings of the early season. Lesson learned, there.
the cold dark weather I had at planting played hell with germ rates and slowed things down, cookin right along now. the ones that make it through a tough start are sure hardy, my spartan nature likes that, takes more seed though, lol.