Outdoor New Alaskan Autos Mk.II

All females pollenated by MsA male#5. This is about the halfway mark, yeah.

/edit MsA male [HASHTAG]#5[/HASHTAG] was selected as the biggest, smelliest, and earliest showing male. Collected the pollen carefully in a washed out pill cannister. Selected two lower nugs on each female plant, carefully applied pollen with a watercolor brush. Turned off the fans for application. It's raining today so that high humidity should keep extra pollenation of the apical nugs to a minimum. Just eyeballing the BbHb, I already suspect they're going to have to go under lights at the end of the season.
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Day 53:
Rainy and overcast again.


Greenhouse Jack Herer Auto [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], Female:
All females pollenated by MsA male#5. This is about the halfway mark, yeah.

/edit MsA male [HASHTAG]#5[/HASHTAG] was selected as the biggest, smelliest, and earliest showing male. Collected the pollen carefully in a washed out pill cannister. Selected two lower nugs on each female plant, carefully applied pollen with a watercolor brush. Turned off the fans for application. It's raining today so that high humidity should keep extra pollenation of the apical nugs to a minimum. Just eyeballing the BbHb, I already suspect they're going to have to go under lights at the end of the season.

Good work. I also prefer to use a little paint brush.
Used a cotton bud this year, though. Still works.
Hope your seeds can fully mature out.
I also do lower branches, so can harvest, but leave the seeds to mature.
Good work. I also prefer to use a little paint brush.
Used a cotton bud this year, though. Still works.
Hope your seeds can fully mature out.
I also do lower branches, so can harvest, but leave the seeds to mature.

Thanks! :D
I find that pollination also speeds up the flowering process.
Day 67:
Everyone is setting flower. The BbHbs just began their flowering cycle about a week ago. Further pollinated lower branches by use of watercolor brush, finally pollinated both BbHbs. Despite the mutant little sister's stature, she showed hairs the same time as her big sister. The MsA male is magnificent. Far ahead of his sisters, he will finish out and die within the next week or so, saved some of his pollen for future use, he is damn fast. Have had a few days of sun. Mostly overcast this year. The BbHb will find makeshift accommodations inside a shed under HO fluoros, 18/6. Been slammed at work. Bonfire will end up in my veg room, inside, 24, under the new LEDs. When I determine its sex it will determine what I do with it.

The shack:




At work right now. Had a good friend take some pics. Flight home later today. Chop time for the little girls. Big girls are going to go into the photo flower room. All are successfully fertilized on lower branches. Mutant BbHb still showing no signs of flower.






Little MsA's in jar. Beans from little girls. Big girls are coming inside tonight. 39F last night. JaHe and RoJa showing good progression and swollen calyxes with seeds on lower branches. BbHb's are semi-autos.